Performance results
- GRI:
Direct value generated and distributed201-1Direct value generated and distributed
Number of the bank's access points in Poland, including branches, broken down into outlets operated directly by the bank and partner outletsCustom indicatorNumber of the bank's access points in Poland, including branches, broken down into outlets operated directly by the bank and partner outlets
- PRB:
Impact and Target Setting2Impact and Target Setting
Implementation of the strategy for 2021-2023
Financial and non-financial metrics of the Santander Bank Polska Group
* Refers to Santander Bank Polska S.A. only.
** Data in the respective periods include profits recognised in own funds in accordance with the applicable EBA guidelines.
** Data in the respective periods include profits recognised in own funds in accordance with the applicable EBA guidelines.
Selected financial results of the Santander Bank Polska Group
Key non-financial data of the Santander Bank Polska Group for the last five years
* Registered users with active access to internet and mobile banking services of Santander Bank Polska S.A. and Santander Consumer Bank S.A.
** Active users of electronic banking services of Santander Bank Polska S.A. and Santander Consumer Bank S.A. who at least once used the services in the last month of the reporting period.
** Active users of electronic banking services of Santander Bank Polska S.A. and Santander Consumer Bank S.A. who at least once used the services in the last month of the reporting period.
* Including branches, off-site locations and Santander Zones

ATMs and CDMs
Achievement of Responsible Banking strategy goals by Santander Bank Polska S.A.
* Change in the metric presentation: amount in PLN million. SFCS - Sustainable Finance Classification System
** Electricity purchased directly by the Bank
*** The 2022 result was influenced by initiatives implemented as part of humanitarian aid to Ukraine
** Electricity purchased directly by the Bank
*** The 2022 result was influenced by initiatives implemented as part of humanitarian aid to Ukraine