Human rights due diligence policies and processes and their outcomes

  • GRI:
  • Policy commitments2-23
    Policy commitments
  • GRI:
  • Human rights policy and due diligence proceduresS-P8
    Human rights policy and due diligence procedures

The respect and protection of human rights in the Santander Bank Polska Group is regulated by the ”Responsible Banking and Sustainability Policy [pdf, 961KB]” which in October 2023 replaced two previous documents, the Sustainability Policy and Human Rights Policy. The provisions of the Policy emphasise the relevance of our commitments to stakeholders and explain the processes for applying social, environmental and corporate governance standards in line with the Responsible Banking Model.

The Policy outlines Santander Bank Polska S.A. and the Santander Bank Polska Group’s approach to responsible banking and sustainable development. It sets out the principles, commitments, objectives and strategy with regard to shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, social issues, the environment, diversity, fiscal responsibility, respect for human rights and the prevention of corruption and other illegal activities.

In the area of relations with employees:

  • preventing discrimination and practices that violate human dignity,
  • refraining from the use of forced labour and child labour,
  • respecting the right of association and collective bargaining,
  • fair conditions of employment

In the area of relations relations with customers and suppliers:

  • equal treatment of customers,
  • equal treatment of suppliers

In the area of relations with communities:

  • fight against corruption,
  • community involvement.

The international standards underpinning the Responsible Banking and Sustainability Policy include:

  • Equator Principles of the International Finance Corporation ,
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
  • United Nations Global Compact,
  • Principles for Responsible Banking (UNEP FI),
  • UN Sustainable Development Goals,
  • UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights,
  • OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises,
  • Fundamental Conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO),

Santander Bank Polska S.A., Santander Factoring sp. z o.o. and Santander Leasing S.A. are subject to the provisions of the Social, Environmental and Climate Change Risk Management Policy of Santander Bank Polska Group. The document identifies the types of activities that we will not support with our financial services and products (the so-called exclusion list). The other companies in our Group have adopted their own procedures in this regard based on this policy. In particular, Santander Consumer Bank S.A., which operates as a separate entity subject to the provisions of the Banking Law and the supervision of the PFSA, has adopted solutions appropriate to its risk profile and business model.