Sustainable supply chain

  • GRI:
  • Percentage of new suppliers assessed according to environmental criteria
    Percentage of new suppliers assessed according to environmental criteria
  • Percentage of new suppliers assessed against social criteria414-1
    Percentage of new suppliers assessed against social criteria
  • Activities, value chain and other business relationships2-6
    Activities, value chain and other business relationships

In accordance with the Responsible Banking and Sustainability Policy [pdf, 961KB] at Santander Bank Polska Group, we promote respect for ESG commitments throughout the supply chain.

The most important regulations related to the supply chain management of the Group companies are as follows:

Najważniejsze regulacje związane z zarządzaniem łańcuchem dostaw spółek Grupy to:
Santander Bank Polska S.A. Santander Leasing S.A. Santander Factoring Sp. z o.o. Santander Consumer Bank S.A. Santander TFI S.A.
Santander Bank Polska Purchasing Policy dotyczy nie dotyczy dotyczy nie dotyczy dotyczy
Supplier Selection Procedure of Santander Bank Polska S.A. dotyczy nie dotyczy dotyczy nie dotyczy dotyczy
Policy on Cooperation with Suppliers and Outsourcing at Santander Bank Polska S.A. dotyczy nie dotyczy nie dotyczy nie dotyczy dotyczy
Responsible Banking and Sustainability Policy dotyczy dotyczy dotyczy dotyczy dotyczy
Procedure for Supplier Management and Outsourcing at Santander Bank Polska S.A. dotyczy nie dotyczy dotyczy nie dotyczy dotyczy

In its dealings with suppliers, Santander Bank Polska S.A. takes into account compliance with the principles of fair and equitable treatment, transparency and integrity. Suppliers are expected to implement policies on ethics and compliance with the law, anti-corruption mechanisms and initiatives to ensure business integrity, health and safety standards, workplace diversity and inclusiveness, as well as adherence to the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the principles of the UN Global Compact.

When qualifying suppliers for collaboration, we verify, among other things.:

  • whether they diversify their revenues and do not become dependent on the bank;
  • whether they have relevant certifications, e.g. on environmental protection and labour relations,
  • ESG policies and codes of ethics in place, anti-corruption proceedings and programmes implemented and reports published,
  • an ethical approach to finances – we check whether they pay employee contributions, taxes and amounts due to contractors.

We aim to ensure that, ultimately, all the companies that make up the Santander Bank Polska Group include social and environmental criteria in their supplier selection processes.

In 2023, such assessments were carried out by selected Group companies:

Group companies incorporating sustainability criteria in the supplier selection procedure

Spółki Grupy uwzględniające kryteria zrównoważonego rozwoju w procedurze doboru kontrahentów
Santander Bank Polska S.A. Santander Consumer Bank S.A. Santander Leasing S.A. Santander Factoring Sp. z o. o. Santander TFI S.A.
Social criteria dotyczy dotyczy nie dotyczy nie dotyczy nie dotyczy
Environmental criteria dotyczy dotyczy nie dotyczy nie dotyczy nie dotyczy

At Santander Bank Polska S.A., part of the procurement process is a CSR questionnaire, which bidders participating in tender procedures are obliged to complete. In 2023, we continued to work on the transition from a CSR survey to an ESG survey, as announced in previous reports, which will reflect current expectations towards suppliers.

Key indicators reflecting the performance of the procurement process policies in 2023:

Kluczowe wskaźniki odzwierciedlające wyniki polityk procesu zakupowego w 2023 r.:
Bank Group
Number of suppliers with an annual turnover of more than PLN 50.000 1,640 2,146
Including the number of suppliers subject to qualification 1,010 1,281
Percentage of suppliers – Polish or foreign companies with registered office or branch in Poland 89.50% n/a
Number of completed purchasing processes 384 570
Percentage of new suppliers that have been reviewed for environmental criteria 100% 75.90%
Percentage of new suppliers who have been reviewed for social criteria* 100% 61.90%
* Each bidder is obliged to complete a CSR survey.