• GRI:
  • Management of material topics (identified as material in the materiality matrix)3-3
    Management of material topics (identified as material in the materiality matrix)
  • Main pro-environmental products and services offered to customers, including offerings that influence climate change solutionsCustom indicator
    Main pro-environmental products and services offered to customers, including offerings that influence climate change solutions
  • Information on key products, including new products launched during the reporting periodCustom indicator
    Information on key products, including new products launched during the reporting period
  • Products and initiatives for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)Custom indicator
    Products and initiatives for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

At Santander Bank Polska Group, we offer sustainable financial products. Environmental and climate issues are taken into account in the development of such products and services and in credit analysis. The benchmark in this regard is the Santander Bank Polska Group’s Sustainable Finance Classification System, in force since 2022.

Sustainable Finance Classification System (SFCS).

It is an internal methodology for classifying sustainable financial products and services, in particular regarding how the Group defines green, social and sustainable finance. According to its guidelines, green and social financing and financing for sustainability-related purposes must meet certain technical criteria, environmental and social due diligence requirements and be verifiable. The system is based on internationally recognised industry guidelines and principles, such as the ICMA Social and the Green Bond Principles, the Climate Bond Standards and Loan Market Association’s principles for green or social or sustainability linked loans (LMA Green Loan Principles, LMA Social Loan Principles and LMA Sustainability-Linked Loan Principles), as well as the EU Taxonomy. The bank has targets for the value of green finance aligned with SFCS. In 2023, we provided green financing amounting to PLN 7,671 million (PLN 3,127.5 million in 2022), a 145% increase year-on-year.

Throughout the Group, we have implemented the Global Sustainable Bond Framework Policy and the Green Bond Framework Policy, in which we have committed to allocating green bond proceeds to renewable energy projects (solar and wind).

Green finance is governed, inter alia, by the following regulations:

  • Responsible Banking Strategy (effective 2021-2023),
  • Responsible Banking and Sustainability Policy,
  • Social, Environmental and Climate Change Risk Management Policy,
  • sector policies,
  • Sustainable and Responsible Investment Policy and Policy of Engagement with Listed Companies and Application of Corporate Governance Measures” (of key importance at Santander TFI S.A.),
  • Group Net Zero strategy,
  • Global Sustainable Bond Framework Policy,
  • Green Bond Framework Policy.

Our Group’s green finance offer is aimed at a diverse range of customers, including those from industries with the greatest impact on climate issues, such as energy, oil and gas and industrial operations.

  • kredyty na inwestycje zrównoważone, w tym OZE
  • kredyty powiązane z Celami Zrównoważonego Rozwoju
  • kredyt gotówkowy z EKO promocją,
  • ekopożyczka
  • zielone obligacje (green bonds) i zrównoważone obligacje (sustainability bonds)
  • obligacje związane ze zrównoważonym rozwojem (sustainability-linked bonds)
  • doradztwo dotyczące możliwości uzyskania zrównoważonego finansowania
  • doradztwo finansowe
  • w obszarze ESG
  • leasing instalacji fotowoltaicznych SolarLease
  • leasing pojazdów elektrycznych, w tym z dotacja w ramach programu „Mój elektryk”
  • leasing nieemisyjnych źródeł ciepła, magazynów energii, stacji ładowania pojazdów elektrycznych
  • fundusze inwestycyjne klasyfikowane jako produkty z art. 8 rozporządzenia SFDR (tzw. jasnozielone) i art. 9 SFDR (tzw. ciemnozielone)

Pro-environmental activities of Santander Bank Polska Group companies in 2023:

Działania prośrodowiskowe spółek Grupy Santander Bank Polska w 2023 roku:
Company Initiatives in 2023 Plans for 2024
Santander Bank Polska S.A. Business and Corporate Banking Division:

  • PLN 1.2 billion – the amount of financing for customer energy transformation granted in 2023. This includes PLN 245.5 million earmarked for a company in the renewable energy sector,
  • advising on two transactions for the sale of wind farms,
  • advising on two transactions for the sale of photovoltaic farms,
  • ESG coordinator function for a telecommunications company

Corporate and Investment Banking Division:


  • Food sector company: a syndicated loan for PLN 800 million
  • Telecommunications sector company: a syndicated loan for PLN 1.5bn
  • Industrial sector company: a syndicated loan/ECA for PLN 580 million
  • Energy sector company: project finance/ECA of EUR 132 million
  • Telecommunications sector company: project finance for PLN 350 million
  • Renewable energy company: project finance of PLN 245.5 million
  • Energy sector company: project finance of PLN 237.6 million
  • Telecommunications sector company: bonds worth PLN 807 million
  • Santander Bank Polska: bonds worth PLN 1.9bn


  • two wind farm sale transactions
  • two photovoltaic farm transactions
  • ESG coordinator function for a company from the telecommunications sector

Wealth Management and Insurance:

  • Enhancement of Santander Brokerage Office’s offering of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) – instruments which are increasingly often chosen by Polish investors as an alternative to classic equities – to include the ESG aspect and the Electric Vehicles and Driving Technology and Battery Metals sectors.
  • Broadening the range of structured products for affluent clients to include Green Bonds linked to the EURO STOXX 50 ESG-X index. The net proceeds from the issuance of these products were used to refinance or invest in so-called Green Projects that meet the eligibility criteria according to the Santander Group’s Global Financing Framework for Green, Social and Sustainable Development Projects.
  • Implementation of changes in procedures for staff, customer service and advice on ESG requirements.
  • Continuation and increase in the value of financing for projects in line with ESG objectives, in particular in the renewable energy sector, through syndicated loans, ECAs, value of project financing and bonds
  • Continuation and increased involvement in advising on M&A projects in the area of sustainable assets and advisory services in the form of ESG coordination
  • Development of the Spirit application (adding ESG flags to selected Wealth Management product groups). Successive increase in the percentage of funds offered under the WM Advisory service that meet at least SFDR8
  • Continuous expansion of our investment offering to include sustainability-related products and instruments within the Brokerage Office
Santander Consumer Bank S.A.
  • Financing renewable energy sources through instalment sales.
  • Participation in the My Electric Car programme.
  • Cooperation with the European Investment Bank under a programme supporting the purchase of zero-emission cars by small and medium-sized enterprises.
  • Financial promotions for electric cars.
  • Cooperation with brands selling electric cars.
Santander Leasing
  • PLN 422 million – the value of financed green investments in 2023,
  • The value of financed zero-emission transport amounted to PLN 154 million,
  • We financed renewable energy sources with a capacity of 39 MW worth over PLN 166 million.
  • The nationwide grant programme 'Together for Eco-Change’ is implemented by the Santander Foundation with funding from Santander Leasing. The object of the competition is to finance the construction of electric vehicle charging stations and maintain them for two years. In 2023, 17 grants were awarded.
  • Launch of the zielonepanele.pl website, through which individual customers and companies can find out about the benefits of investing in photovoltaics and quickly check the cost of installation and approximate terms of investment financing, as well as learn about the offer of selected contractors and request for a quote.
  • Introduction of a simplified procedure for financing the most important products in the RES segment. Financing was made available for photovoltaic installations, heat pumps, battery energy storage and electric vehicle charging stations with defined parameters.
  • Recertification for the ISO 14001-compliant Environmental Management System audited by Dekra Certification.
  • Cooperation with suppliers of zero-emission technologies and transport
  • Participation in the My Electric Car programme
  • Collaboration with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in a programme to support green investments
  • Participation in the de minimis guarantee programme in cooperation with Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego supporting, among other things, green investments.
Continuation and increase in the value of financing for investments meeting ESG targets, particularly from the renewable energy and non-carbon transport sectors.
Santander TFI S.A. Management of four ESG investment funds:

  • Santander Prestiż Global Responsible Investment- a sub-fund of the Santander Prestiż SFIO (classified as an Article 8 SFDR product),
  • Santander Prestiż European Equity – a sub-fund of Santander Prestiż SFIO (classified as an Article 8 SFDR product),
  • Santander Prestiż Future Wealth – a sub-fund of Santander Prestiż SFIO (classified as an Article 8 SFDR product),
  • Santander Prestiż Prosperity – a sub-fund of Santander Prestiż SFIO (classified as an Article 9 SFDR product)

Combating greenwashing

  • GRI:
  • Management of material topics (identified as material in the materiality matrix)3-3
    Management of material topics (identified as material in the materiality matrix)

In order to mitigate the risk of greenwashing, the bank has set up an inter-departmental panel of experts (ESG Panel). Its task is to support the Santander Bank Polska Group’s business segments in correctly identifying and classifying sustainable credit transactions and products, both in terms of compliance with the criteria of the internal Sustainable Finance Classification System (SFCS) and with the EU Taxonomy. The Panel is chaired by the Director of ESG Risks (Risk Management Division) and overseen by the Risk Control Committee at the level of the bank’s Management Board.

Regulations relating to the implementation of new products and services ensure that consultation with the Compliance Area and the Sustainability and ESG Team is required for all ESG-related products and services, including non-credit ones.

With regard to greenwashing risk, further policies, procedures and guidelines are gradually being defined to address this risk, which is diffused in the bank’s activities.

To date, the following actions have been taken:

  • the approach to defining sustainable transactions and products has been made more consistent through the Sustainable Finance Classification System (SFCS),
  • the Sustainability Communication and Publicity guidelines have been defined for employees preparing marketing and image messages,
  • the risk of greenwashing has been identified in the Compliance Area Guidelines for Working with Partners.