Greenhouse gas emissions

  • GRI:
  • Total direct greenhouse gas emissions305-1
    Total direct greenhouse gas emissions
  • Total indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weight305-2
    Total indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weight
  • Other indirect greenhouse gas emissions305-3
    Other indirect greenhouse gas emissions
  • GPW:
  • Greenhouse gas emissionsE-P2
    Greenhouse gas emissions

Since 2020, the bank has been neutral in terms of its own CO2 emissions. We only buy energy from renewable sources and offset other emissions with carbon credit certificates. These are purchased for all subsidiaries by the Banco Santander Group. We reduce greenhouse gas emissions from internal activities, including electricity consumption, business travel and car fleet operation. Since 2022, our offices have been supplied with electricity from renewable energy sources under a grid contract with Tauron, as evidenced by Tauron Group’s ECO Premium Product Accession Certificate. The electricity we purchase participates entirely in the ECO Energy Sales Guarantee scheme and comes mainly from hydroelectric power plants.

Greenhouse gases’ (GHG) emissions (in tonnes of CO2e) – data refers to Santander Bank Polska S.A.

Emisje gazów cieplarnianych (GHG, w tonach CO2e) – dane dotyczą Santander Bank Polska S.A.
2023 2022
Scope 1 5,138.90 5,264.90
Scope 2 (location-based) 23,944.50 26,348.70
Scope 2 (market-based) 13,288.80 14,234.90
Scope 3 (business travel, remote work**) 1,463.20* 870.10*
Total Scope 1+2 (location-based) 29,083.40 31,613.60
Total Scope 1+2  1+2 (marked-based) 18,427.60 19,499.80
* Only location-based data from DEFRA was used
** Remote work was taken into account in both 2022 and 2023

Greenhouse gases’ (GHG) emissions (in tonnes of CO2e) – data refers to Santander Bank Polska Group

Emisje gazów cieplarnianych (GHG, w tonach CO₂e) – dane dotyczą Grupy Kapitałowej Santander Bank Polska
Scope 1 6,059.60
Scope 2 (location-based) 25,743.80
Scope 2 (market-based) 14,175.50
Scope 3 (business travel, remote work**) 1,672.70*
Total Scope 1+2 (location-based) 31,803.37
Total Scope 1+2  1+2 (marked-based) 20,235.11
* Only location-based data from DEFRA was used
** Remote work was taken into account in both 2022 and 2023

A description of the calculation methodology can be found in the Our performance.

In terms of measures and targets, Santander Bank Polska S.A. continues to work on detailed transition plans taking into account short and medium-term climate change adaptation and mitigation targets. Steps towards decarbonising the loan portfolio are currently being taken through a reduction in our direct emissions (resulting from electricity consumption and business travel, among other things) and the emissions associated with the financial services we provide – loans, advisory or investment services.

In 2024, it is also planned to develop more comprehensive measures on ESG risks and to include them in the relevant internal reports. These measures will be taken into account in the process of updating the risk appetite (planned for the first quarter of 2024) and in the setting of concentration limits and exposure limits, (which will be effective from the second quarter of 2024). In the longer term, developments in this area will also include verifying the degree to which decarbonisation levers are implemented (primarily the increase in financing for green real estate, RES and electric cars).


In 2023, we increased the efficiency of resulting in a 70% reduction in its carbon footprint and earning a place among the fastest websites in Poland.

Other environmental indicators

Electricity consumption

  • GRI:
  • Energy consumption within the organization302-1
    Energy consumption within the organization
  • GPW:
  • Energy consumption and sourcesE-P4
    Energy consumption and sources

The bank's electricity consumption in 2022 and 2023 – data refers to Santander Bank Polska S.A.

Zużycie energii elektrycznej w 2022 i 2023 r. – dane dotyczą Santander Bank Polska S.A.
Electricity consumption [MWh] 2023 2022
Total electricity consumption 18,641.30 21,670.20
including total consumption of energy from non-renewable sources 7,390.77 9,551.29
of which: natural gas 7,301.30 9,227.10
fuel oil 72.11 308.28
Diesel oil 17.36 15.91

Electricity consumption in the Group in 2023 – data refers to Santander Bank Polska Group

Zużycie energii elektrycznej w 2023 r. – dane dotyczą Grupy Kapitałowej Santander Bank Polska
Electricity consumption [MWh] 2023
Total electricity consumption 20,389.02
including total consumption of energy from non-renewable sources 7,390.77
of which: natural gas 7,301.25
fuel oil 72.11
Diesel oil 310.90*
We are presenting electricity consumption data at the consolidated level for the first time and do not have Group level data for 2022.
* Due to the lack of consumption data in litres for Stellantis company, an average consumption of 7 lge/100km was assumed according to IEA

Water consumption

  • GRI:
  • Water consumption as a common resource303-1
    Water consumption as a common resource
  • GPW:
  • Water resources managementE-D2
    Water resources management

At all Santander Bank Group locations, we are connected to water mains and we use tap water for drinking and sanitary purposes. The water used is discharged into municipal sewage system.

How we save water

  • Upon every branch modernisation, dishwashers are installed
  • At the Atrium office in Warsaw, a grey water system (a system of pre-treatment of water from showers and sinks for reuse in flushing toilets) is used and efficient bathroom fittings and waterless urinals save 10 million litres of water a year
  • At the Business Support Centre office in Poznań, rainwater is collected on the roofs of buildings and then used to water the green areas. Low-flow toilets and taps, as well as waterless urinals, reduce water consumption and save around 6.8 million litres of water a year
  • In the Business Support Centre office building in Wrocław, we have reduced water consumption by half thanks to low-flow toilets and taps

Materials used in the bank by weight and volume

  • GRI:
  • Materials used by weight or volume301-1
    Materials used by weight or volume
Wykorzystane w Banku materiały według wagi i objętości
Santander Bank Polska S.A. Santander Bank Polska Group
Magnetic storage media [kg] 2,213.00 2,550.64
Paper [kg] 137,628.75 148,007.25
Total [kg] 139,841.75 150,557.89


Santander TFI S.A.:

  • Car fleet modernisation. In 2023, 65% of company cars at Santander TFI S.A. (17 out of 26) had a hybrid drive. More cars will be replaced gradually as leases are renewed.
  • Successive reduction of paper consumption - in 2021 by 42% and in 2022 by a further 38% (compared to 2020. In 2023 paper consumption was at the same level as in 2022).
  • Launch of 'Exchange Lockers' in the offices in Poznań and Warsaw. The company has provided places where employees can bring unwanted items to enable others to use them and give them a second life.

Santander Leasing S.A.:

  • A series of expert videos entitled 'Hello Leasing', dedicated to promoting eco-friendly products and services, including the leasing of electric cars or photovoltaic panels.
  • A nationwide grant programme 'Together for Eco-change' is implemented by the Santander Foundation with funds from Santander Leasing. The goal of the programme is to finance the construction of electric vehicle charging stations and their maintenance for 2 years.
  • Environmental Management System in accordance with the 14001 standard.

Santander Consumer Bank:

  • Webinars for employees on environmental topics.
  • Financial support for the students of the LEM scientific association at Warsaw University of Technology for the implementation of the project "Light Electric Motorcycles, or automotive innovation",
  • Donation to the Ecoguards foundation that cares for animals and promotes their adoption.