Employment structure

  • GRI:
  • Employees2-7
  • Workers who are not employees2-8
    Workers who are not employees
  • Collective bargaining agreements2-30
    Collective bargaining agreements
  • Total number and percentage of new employees and total number of employees who left the organization during the reporting period401-1
    Total number and percentage of new employees and total number of employees who left the organization during the reporting period
  • PRB:
  • Stakeholders4
  • GPW:
  • Employee turnoverS-P6
    Employee turnover
  • Freedom of association and collective bargainingS-P7
    Freedom of association and collective bargaining

At the end of 2023, the Santander Bank Polska Group employed 12,072 people under employment contracts* most of them in the bank (84%). In addition, 2,660 people provided work for the Group

The figures below refer to the headcount as at 31 December, 2023.

12 072 pracowników Grupy, w tym:

  • 10 089 w Banku
  • 1 433 w Santander Consumer Bank S.A. i jego spółkach zależnych
  • 336 w Santander Leasing S.A. i jego spółkach zależnych
  • 114 w Santander Factoring Sp. z o. o.
  • 100 w Santander TFI S.A.
  • 15% were newly hired Group employees.
  • 14% was the level of employee turnover in the Group.
  • Group employees are not covered by collective labour agreements. There are 5 trade union organisations in the bank.

*At the time of preparing this Report, the Group does not have a systematic solution to report the number of employees without completely avoiding double counting within Group companies, which results from individuals being employed in more than 1 Group company at the same time. The Group is working on implementing solutions to improve the reported data. Any double counting of relates to part-time contract employees and may represent 4% of the total number of employees.

Number of employees by gender and type of employment contract

Liczba pracowników w podziale na płeć i rodzaj umowy
Santander Bank Polska S.A. Santander Bank Polska Group
Type of employment contract Female Male Total Female Male Total
Employed for an indefinite period of time 5,850 2,788 8,638 7,063 3,412 10,475
Employed for a fixed period of time 937 514 1,451 1,057 540 1,597
Total 6,787 3,302 10,089 8,120 3,952 12,072

Number of employees by gender and type of contract

Liczba pracowników w podziale na płeć i rodzaj umowy (etat)
Santander Bank Polska S.A. Santander Bank Polska Group
Type of employment contract Female Male Total Female Male Total
Full-time 6,316 2,991 9,307 7,614 3,622 11,236
Part-time 471 311 782 506 330 836
Non-guaranteed hours 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 6,787 3,302 10,089 8,120 3,952 12,072

In 2023, we did not see any significant fluctuations in the number of employees in the Group, and those that did occur in our opinion were due to standard employee turnover.

The predominant form of employment in the Santander Bank Polska Group is the employment contract, but there are also individuals working for the Group under other arrangements, depending on the Group company:

At the Bank – 2 086 persons

  • trainees and interns,
  • persons performing specific tasks within a specified period of time,
  • persons working under B2B contracts..

At Santander Consumer Bank S.A. and its subsidiaries– 91 persons:

  • outsourced employees mainly in the Call Centre and operations,
  • persons working under B2B model, mainly freelancers in the IT area,
  • persons working under civil law contracts, mainly in the sales network (OFWCA contracts – “Individuals performing agency activities”).

At Santander Leasing S.A. and its subsidiaries – 472 persons

In the other companies, the numbers are insignificant and such individuals provide ad-hoc support to our teams.


At the Bank and Santander TFI S.A., regular engagement and 'Your Voice' e-NPS surveys are conducted, as well as surveys on issues relevant to daily work. Among other things, in 2023 employee preferences were surveyed at TFI in relation to the new offices that will start to be rented in 2024 and 2025. Monthly staff meetings are also held with the Management Board to discuss the current situation of the company. In the bank, meanwhile, three waves of surveys are carried out throughout the year. We are proud to note an upward trend in results as of 2021 onwards.