Training and development

  • GRI:
  • Additional benefits (perks) provided to full-time employees401-2
    Additional benefits (perks) provided to full-time employees
  • Number of training days per year per employee by employment structure404-1
    Number of training days per year per employee by employment structure
  • Management skills development and lifelong learning programmes404-2
    Management skills development and lifelong learning programmes
  • Percentage of employees subject to regular performance evaluation and career development reviews, by gender and employment category404-3
    Percentage of employees subject to regular performance evaluation and career development reviews, by gender and employment category

Santander Bank Polska Group considers employee development to be an essential condition for its market success. In each Group company, we have prepared bespoke training tailored to its business characteristics and the needs of the organisation.

  • Knowledge Bank – ESG training series
  • English and IELTS training with the British Council conducted as part of the Santander Open Academy – 10% of the course places (out of 1,000) were reserved for employees of Santander Bank Polska Group.
  • Advisor of the Future – a programme aimed at branch network employees related to the development of digital competences.
  • Leadership Academy – a programme developing leadership competencies.
  • Leader’s Quest – a series of induction training courses for newly appointed managers.
  • Subsidised language learning.
  • Mentoring and tutoring – internal knowledge sharing in the organisation.

  • First Manager – six-month development programme for professionals promoted to managerial positions

  • LinkedIn Learning platform
  • LEGIMI e-library
  • English and Spanish language learning platform
  • EAP programme – psychological and development support (helpline, webinars, newsletters)
  • subsidised external courses and training – at the employee’s/supervisor’s request
  • ”The Power of Appreciating Diversity: DISC” – a programme analysing the potential, communication skills and behavioural styles

  • the opportunity to benefit from training at Santander Bank Polska S.A.
  • individual training of employees according to their competence needs and development path

  • Go! Guide Pro training related to improving work with the tools offered by Google. The training topics in 2023 include:
    • Google Sheets
    • Service Design
    • Locker Studio
  • SalesForce –  training for SME leasing consultants


Santander TFI S.A. organised in 2023 the ESG School, a series of internal meetings for employees to discuss relevant ESG topics. The training sessions covered greenwashing, the SFDR, Green MiFID regulations, the Polish ESG investment fund market, as well as diversity and inclusion.

Training in Santander Bank Polska Group:

  • 442,349
    training hours
  • 73%
    female training participants
  • 26%
    male training participants

At least once a year, the quality of work of the majority of Group employees is assessed (58% of women and 70% of men). In the bank, the corresponding figures are 86% women and 90% men. The review is carried out based on criteria known to the employee and his/her manager. An element of the periodic employee appraisal is our corporate values, such as ”Think customer”, ”Embrace change”, ”Act now”, ”Move together” and ”Speak up”. The human resources department may also take part in the appraisal.


At Santander Consumer Bank S.A., employees who are terminated for reasons attributable to the employer receive an outplacement package, which includes three individual sessions with an external career consultant.