142,891 people visited the exhibition (from 12 Oct 2023 till 14 Jan 2024).
Other social projects of Santander Bank Polska S.A.
Picasso Exhibition
Santander Bank Polska was a sponsor of the temporary exhibition ‘Picasso’. The exhibition, held on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the artist’s death and Spain’s assumption of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, was on view for three months – from 12 October 2023 to 14 January 2024. Most of the works were presented in Poland for the first time. The exhibition was divided into four sections: from the artist’s reflections on beauty, through his fascination with mythological figures and passion for ceramics and the Polish motifs in his work.

The exhibition was accompanied by an educational programme aimed at adults and young people. The exhibition was accessible to persons with special needs. A guided tour in Polish Sign Language and a guided tour with audio description were also organised. Admission to these events was free.

Re:Generation project
Since 2021, Santander Bank Polska S.A. has been a partner in the 'Re:Generation’ project in cooperation with the UNEP-GRID Warsaw Centre. In 2023, the bank took care of an orchid meadow in the Łódź Heights Landscape Park and participated in the organisation of five educational ecological workshops for children in the park.
Number of beneficiaries: 119 pupils of grades 1-3 and teachers from primary schools in Łódź.