Results in the environmental area

Our results: environmental area

Methodology for calculating CO₂ emissions

The Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol) standards, according to the revised version, were used to calculate CO2 emission levels: 'A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard revised edition, GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance Amendment to the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard’ and 'Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard, Supplement to the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard’.

Emission factors developed by the UK Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA 2022), the National Balancing and Emissions Management Centre and the Energy Regulatory Authority were used. No changes were made to the calculation methodology compared to the 2021 baseline. Data consolidation based on operational control was used for the calculation of GHG emissions. The calculations were performed for the Santander Bank Polska Group. GWP (Global Warming Potential) values based on the 4th edition of the IPPC (The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report were used in the calculations. The calculation took into account emissions from the following greenhouse gases: CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3.

Zakres kalkulacji emisji, źródła emisji oraz metodykę obliczeń
Scope Emission sources covered in the report Calculation method
Scope 1 Leakage of refrigerants R410A
Emissions calculated on the basis of replenishment volume data for R410A, R407C, R32 provided by Santander, and the emissions factor obtained from DEFRA 2022 and EPA / Schiessl (R32) databases.
Emissions from mobile sources
  1. Diesel oil
  2.  Petrol
Emissions calculated using diesel and petrol consumption data for the transport fleet, provided by Santander, and an emissions factor from DEFRA 2022.
Emissions from stationary sources
  1. Natural gas
  2. Fuel oil
  3. Diesel fuel
Emissions calculated using consumption data for heating oil and natural gas for heating, and diesel for standby generators, and an emissions factor obtained from DEFRA 2022.
Scope 2 Electricity Offices Emissions calculated on the basis of electricity consumption data, and the emission factor obtained from KOBiZE.

Market Based emissions calculated from data on the fuel mix of suppliers. The % supplier structure of the bank’s branches was used due to a lack of knowledge of suppliers in some of the premises used by Santander.

District heating District heating No actual data available – estimate based on benchmarks of annual heat consumption per sq. m of floor area (sourced from the 2020 Statutory Energy Audit) and floor area of premises in use (heated with district heating). The calculation includes locations vacated during 2022, but only for the number of days they were in use by the bank.

Emissions calculated on the basis of estimated consumption and an emissions factor extracted from DEFRA 2022

Scope 3 Business travel Rental cars Emissions calculated on the basis of distance travelled in rented cars, provided by Santander, and an emissions factor sourced from DEFRA 2022.
Bus travel No actual data available – a distance of 100 km per purchased bus trip was assumed.

Emissions were calculated as the product of the estimated route length and the number of trips purchased, and the emissions factor was sourced from DEFRA 2022.

Rail travel No actual data available – a distance of 200 km per purchased rail trip was assumed.

Emissions were calculated as the product of the estimated route length and the number of trips purchased, and the emissions factor was sourced from DEFRA 2022.

Air travel Emissions calculated on the basis of domestic distance travelled (broken down into domestic, European and international flights) provided by Santander and the emissions factor sourced from DEFRA 2022.
Remote work No actual data available – estimate based on person-days spent working remotely and assumption that a person working remotely consumes 0.12 KWh per working hour.

Emissions calculated on the basis of estimated consumption and grid emissivity factor obtained from KOBiZE.

The emission sources and the calculation methodology:

Greenhouse gases’ (GHG) emissions (in tonnes of CO2e) – data refers to Santander Bank Polska S.A.

Emisje gazów cieplarnianych (GHG, w tonach CO₂e) – dane dotyczą Santander Bank Polska S.A.
2023 2022
Scope 1 5,138.90 5,264.90
Scope 2 (location-based) 23,944.50 26,348.70
Scope 2 (market -based) 13,288.80 14,234.90
Scope 3 (business travel, remote work**) 1,463.20* 870.10*
Total Scope 1+2 (location-based) 29,083.40 31,613.60
Total Scope 1+2 (market -based) 18,427.60 19,499.80
* Only location-based data from DEFRA was used
** Remote work was taken into account in both 2022 and 2023

Greenhouse gases’ (GHG) emissions (in tonnes of CO₂e) – data refers to Santander Bank Polska Group

Emisje gazów cieplarnianych (GHG, w tonach CO2e) – dane dotyczą Grupy Kapitałowej Santander Bank Polska
Scope 1 6,059.60
Scope 2 (location-based) 25,743.80
Scope 2 (market -based) 14,175.50
Scope 3 (business travel, remote work) 1,672.70*
Total Scope 1+2 (location-based) 31,803.37
Total Scope 1+2 (market -based) 20,235.11
*Only location-based data from DEFRA was used
  • GRI:
  • Energy consumption within the organization302-1
    Energy consumption within the organization
  • GPW:
  • Code of ethicsP4
    Code of ethics

Electricity consumption in the bank in 2022 and 2023 – data refers to Santander Bank Polska S.A.

Electricity consumption in the Group in 2023 – data refers to Santander Bank Polska Group

Zużycie energii elektrycznej w 2022 i 2023 r. – dane dotyczą Santander Bank Polska S.A.
Energy consumption [MWh] 2023 2022
Total electricity consumption 18,641.30 21,670.20
of which total consumption of energy from non-renewable sources 7,390.77 9,551.29
Including: natural gas 7,301.30 9,227.10
fuel oil 72.11 308.28
Diesel oil 17.36 15.91

Electricity consumption in the Group in 2023 – data refers to Santander Bank Polska Group

Zużycie energii elektrycznej w 2023 r. – dane dotyczą Grupy Kapitałowej Santander Bank Polska
Energy consumption [MWh] 2023
Total electricity consumption 20,389.02
of which total consumption of energy from non-renewable sources 7,390.77
Including: natural gas 7,301.25
fuel oil 72.11
Diesel oil 310.90*
We are presenting emissions data at the consolidated level for the first time and do not have Group-level data for 2022.
* Due to the lack of actual consumption data in litres for Stellantis, an average consumption of 7lge/100km was assumed according to IEA

Electricity consumption in the Group in 2023 – data refers to Santander Bank Polska Group

Flota Santander Bank Polska S.A. Stan na 31 grudnia 2023 r.
2021 2022 2023
Number of petrol cars 13 12 37
Number of diesel cars 2 3 0
Number of hybrid/electric cars 1,303 1,310 1,381

Business travel – data refers to Santander Bank Polska S.A.

Podróże służbowe – dane dotyczą Santander Bank Polska S.A.
Indicator 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of business trips per employee 3.17 1.55 0.60 1.05 1.42

Changes in diesel oil and petrol consumption associated with business travel using car fleet in 2023 – data refers to Santander Bank Polska S.A.

Zmiany zużycia oleju napędowego i benzyny związane z podróżami służbowymi flotą Santander Bank Polska S.A. w 2023 r.
Fuel consumption
Diesel oil consumption (in l) 1,652.60
Change in Diesel oil consumption compared to 2022 -5,886.20
Petrol consumption (in l) 1,498,328.90
Change in petrol consumption compared to 2022 -76,436.40
Average fuel consumption per employee: 148.70*
* [GRI 2-4] We are presenting a correction to the information disclosed in the 2022 ESG report, where we stated that the corresponding value for the previous year was 0.0063, which was due to an accounting error. The correct value for 2022 is 159.5.

Diesel oil and petrol consumption associated with business travel using the Group's car fleet in 2023 – data refers to Santander Bank Polska Group

Zużycie oleju napędowego i benzyny związane z podróżami służbowymi flotą Grupy Kapitałowej Santander Bank Polska w 2023 r.
Fuel consumption
Diesel oil consumption (in l) 29,170.37*
Petrol consumption (in l) 1,811,631.89**
Average fuel consumption per employee: 152.49
* Due to the lack of actual consumption data in litres for Stellantis, an average consumption of 7lge/100km was assumed according to IEA
** Due to the lack of actual consumption data in litres for Stellantis, an average consumption of 7lge/100km was assumed according to IEA
  • GRI:
  • Materials used by weight or volume301-1
    Materials used by weight or volume

Materials used by weight and volume – data refers to Santander Bank Polska S.A.

Wykorzystane w Santander Bank Polska S.A. materiały według wagi i objętości
Paper (kg)* Magnetic storage media (kg)**
Branches 122,953.75 2,143.00
Business Support Centres 14,675.00 70.00
Total 2023 137,628.75 2,213.00
Total 2022 186,337.50 18,245.00
Total 2021 1,216,560.00 13,770.00
*Data from the procurement system.
**Data from the supplier who collects the waste.
  • GRI:
  • Materials used by weight or volume301-1
    Materials used by weight or volume

Materials used by weight and volume – data refers to Santander Bank Polska S.A. and Santander Bank Polska Group

Wykorzystane w Santander Bank Polska S.A. i Grupie Kapitałowej Santander Bank Polska materiały według wagi i objętości
Santander Bank Polska S.A. Santander Bank Polska Group
Magnetic storage media [kg] 2,213.00 2,550.64
Paper [kg] 137,628.75 148,007.25
Total [kg] 139,841.75 150,557.89