Partnerships and sustainability commitments

  • GRI:
  • Membership of associations2-28
    Membership of associations

We are involved in the work of associations and foundations and in initiatives that promote responsible practices. Below is a selection of initiatives in which we participated as a bank in 2023:

  • Declaration of Responsible Selling,
  • Business and Human Rights Programme, UN Global Compact Network Poland,
  • Diversity Charter,
  • Partnership for the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),
  • Business Accessibility Forum (BAF).
  • UNEP Finance Principles for Responsible Banking,
  • Equator Principles,
  • Together for the Environment Partnership
  • Climate Positive programme of the UN Global Compact Network Poland,
  • Polish Plastics Pact,
  • Green Ribbon #forthePlanet campaign,
  • Re:Generation programme,
  • Green Transformation Council of the Lewiatan Confederation,
  • 5 Fractions Coalition.
  • Responsible Business Forum,
  • Polish ESG Association.

In addition, Santander Bank Polska S.A. is a signatory to the Code of Banking Ethics and the Declaration of Banks on the Plain Language Standard. As part of our cooperation with the Polish Bank Association, the bank’s representatives are involved in the work of, among others, the Sustainable Finance Committee, the Consumer Credit Committee, the Payment Services Council and the Banking Technology Forum.

The bank’s subsidiaries are also represented in industry organisations. Santander Leasing S.A. is a member of the Polish Leasing Association (within which it is an active participant in, among other things, the working groups on carbon footprint calculation for Scope 3 reporting), the Polish Association of Alternative Fuels and the Polish Economic Chamber of Agricultural Machinery and Equipment.

Santander TFI S.A. is a member of the Polish Chamber of Funds and Asset Management, and in December 2023 TFI S.A. joined the Sustainable Investment Forum Poland (POLSIF). This is a new association set up in 2023. Marlena Janota, a member of TFI’s Management Board, is a POLSIF board member.