Performance results

  • GRI:
  • Direct value generated and distributed201-1
    Direct value generated and distributed
  • Number of the bank's access points in Poland, including branches, broken down into outlets operated directly by the bank and partner outletsCustom indicator
    Number of the bank's access points in Poland, including branches, broken down into outlets operated directly by the bank and partner outlets
  • PRB:
  • Impact and Target Setting2
    Impact and Target Setting

Implementation of the strategy for 2021-2023

Financial and non-financial metrics of the Santander Bank Polska Group

Mierniki finansowe i niefinansowe Grupy Kapitałowej Santander Bank Polska S.A.
2023 2022 2021
Cost of credit risk (CoR) [%] 0.72% 0.59% 0.76%
Cost/Income (C/I) [%] 29.50% 37.90% 59.60%
Dividend payout ratio [%]* 97.01% 29.90% 29.89%
Total Capital Ratio [%]** 18.56% 19.74% 18.58%
* Refers to Santander Bank Polska S.A. only.
** Data in the respective periods include profits recognised in own funds in accordance with the applicable EBA guidelines.

Selected financial results of the Santander Bank Polska Group

Wybrane wyniki finansowe Grupy Kapitałowej Santander Bank Polska S.A.
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Profit attributable to shareholders of Santander Bank Polska S.A. (in PLN million) 4,831.10 2,799.10 1,111.70 1,037.20 2,138.30
Profit before tax for the period (in PLN million) 6,850.00 4,353.00 2,057.80 1,880.90 3,244.60
Total assets (in PLN million) 276,651.90 257,517.20 243,017.30 228,748.90 209,476.20
Total equity (in PLN million) 33,691.00 28,465.30 27,213.60 28,658.00 26,979.50
ROE [%] 20.30% 11.90% 4.70% 4.40% 9.70%
Loans/Deposits [%] 76.20% 77.60% 79.00% 82.80% 91.60%
Total Capital Ratio [%] 18.56% 19.74% 19.05% 20.42% 17.07%

Key non-financial data of the Santander Bank Polska Group for the last five years

Podstawowe dane niefinansowe Grupy Kapitałowej Santander Bank Polska S.A. za pięć ostatnich lat.
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Customers (in millions) 7.50 7.40 7.20 7.10 7.20
Electronic banking users (in millions)* 6.40 6.30 5.70 5.40 4.40
Active digital customers (in millions)** 4.20 3.60 3.20 2.90 2.50
Active mobile banking customers (in millions) 3.00 2.70 2.40 2.00 1.60
Branch network 369 385 450 562 665
Santander zones and off-site locations 17 16 13 12 10
Partner outlets 421 433 435 380 317
* Registered users with active access to internet and mobile banking services of Santander Bank Polska S.A. and Santander Consumer Bank S.A.
** Active users of electronic banking services of Santander Bank Polska S.A. and Santander Consumer Bank S.A. who at least once used the services in the last month of the reporting period.


Klienci Banku
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Total number of bank customers (in thousands) 5,877 5,695 5,432 5,215 5,050 4,884 4,412
Santander Internet – registered customers (in thousands) 5,012 4,869 4,492 4,179 4,424 4,019 3,388
Santander Internet – active customers (in thousands) 3,497 3,285 2,998 2,757 2,510 2,345 2,056
Santander mobile – active mobile customers (in thousands) 2,608 2,452 2,194 1,865 1,577 1,338 1,094
iBiznes24 – registered businesses (in thousands) 26 20 25 21 18 17 15


Placówki Banku
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Number of outlets/branches in Poland in 2022
a. Branches* 336 351 396 468 515 612 576
b. Partner outlets 171 170 164 138 134 123 109
Business and Corporate Banking Centres 6 6 6 19 19 12 12
* Including branches, off-site locations and Santander Zones

ATMs and CDMs

Bankomaty i wpłatomaty Santander Bank Polska S.A.
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
ATMs 351 472 610 731 774 858 948
CDMs 0 0 0 0 3 4 13
Dual-function machines 890 952 914 930 923 900 771

Achievement of Responsible Banking strategy goals by Santander Bank Polska S.A.

Wyniki realizacji celów Odpowiedzialnej Bankowości. Dane dotyczą Santander Bank Polska S.A.
No. 2022 results 2023 results
1. Top 10 employers ranking Top Employer Certificate Top Employer Certificate
2. Women in senior positions 34.70% 34.96%
3. Equal Pay Gap ratio 2.00% 1.17%
4. Number of people financially empowered from 1 Jan, 2019 651,453 1,732,963
5. Green finance compliant with SFCS (in PLN m)* 2,668 5,499
6. Electricity from renewable resources (%)** 83.50% 88.00%
7. Elimination of single-use plastics (%) 100% 100%
8. Scholarships, internships and job placements (number) 5,915 17,355
9. Number of people helped*** 493,461 113,089
* Change in the metric presentation: amount in PLN million. SFCS - Sustainable Finance Classification System
** Electricity purchased directly by the Bank
*** The 2022 result was influenced by initiatives implemented as part of humanitarian aid to Ukraine