Description of the reporting process

  • GRI:
  • Entities included in the organization’s sustainability reporting2-2
    Entities included in the organization’s sustainability reporting
  • Reporting period, frequency and contact point2-3
    Reporting period, frequency and contact point
  • Restatements of information2-4
    Restatements of information
  • Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting2-14
    Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting

This ESG 2023 Report contains data and a description of practices applied across the Santander Bank Polska Group, with Santander Bank Polska S.A. as the parent company. The information provided relates to the Santander Bank Polska Group unless it is explicitly indicated that the information relates to a specific company. TCFD disclosures pertain only to Santander Bank Polska S.A.

Whenever this report refers to the bank, it shall be understood to mean Santander Bank Polska S.A. Where reference is made to Santander Consumer Bank S.A. in this report, it is understood to mean Santander Consumer Bank S.A. and its subsidiaries Santander Consumer Multirent Sp. z o.o. and Santander Consumer Financial Solutions Sp. z o.o. Where the report refers to Santander Leasing S.A., it is understood to mean Santander Leasing S.A. and Santander Finanse Sp. z o.o. and Santander F24 S.A.

In the previous year, our ESG report referred to Santander Bank Polska S.A. only, so comparability of indicators is in some cases limited to the bank.

This publication applies to the period from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023, unless otherwise stated herein.

The report contains one restatement of Santander Bank Polska S.A.’s previously reported non-financial information concerning an accounting error in the calculation of average fuel consumption per employee, explained in the Environmental Performance section.

The basis for this publication is the updated version of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) international standard. The GRI Table provides information on where individual disclosures have been made for the Santander Bank Polska Group.

The report refers to international guidelines and goals relevant to our organization and the financial sector. These include:

  • European Commission guidelines for the disclosure of non-financial information related to climate impacts,
  • UNEP FI Principles for Responsible Banking.

On top of that, the publication takes into account selected assumptions and indicators defined in the ”Guidelines for ESG Reporting – A Guide for Companies” The report also includes the bank’s own performance indicators, which are specific to the bank’s performance.

Climate disclosures prepared according to the TCFD recommendations are part of this publication. In line with their principles, Santander Bank Polska S.A. integrates climate impact information with the rest of its sustainability disclosures.

The material topics included in the report were compiled using the materiality matrix of ESG aspects produced in 2023 in line with the double materiality analysis described in the CSRD.

The Management Board of the parent company Santander Bank Polska S.A. is actively involved in the work related to the reporting of sustainability issues. The Management Board of Santander Bank Polska S.A. is responsible for, among other things, involving the relevant units and committees in the reporting process, ensuring compliance with due diligence processes and giving final approval to the content of the ESG report.

No dedicated committees have been set up at the bank to deal with ESG reporting, but the following units have been engaged in the reporting process to ensure that appropriate care is taken regarding the non-financial information published by the bank:

  • Disclosure Committee,
  • Audit and Compliance Committee,
  • Management Board of Santander Bank Polska S.A.,
  • Supervisory Board of Santander Bank Polska S.A.