• GRI:
  • Management of material topics (identified as material in the materiality matrix)3-3
    Management of material topics (identified as material in the materiality matrix)
  • Communication of critical concerns2-16
    Communication of critical concerns
  • Embedding policy commitments2-24
    Embedding policy commitments
  • Processes to remediate negative impacts2-25
    Processes to remediate negative impacts
  • Mechanisms for seeking advice an raising concerns 2-26
    Mechanisms for seeking advice an raising concerns
  • GPW:
  • Code of ethicsG-P4
    Code of ethics
  • Whistleblowing mechanismG-P6
    Whistleblowing mechanism

General Code of Conduct and whistleblowing channels

Santander Bank Polska Group operates ethically. A key document in this respect effective since 2013 is the publicly available General Code of Conduct in which we define in detail the principles of work ethics in our organisation, present examples of behaviour that are desirable in specific situations and clearly communicate the consequences of breaching ethical standards. The Code’s standards are addressed to all persons employed by the bank under an employment contract or cooperating with the bank under a civil law contract, including top management and members of the bank’s management and supervisory bodies (hereinafter collectively referred to as ”employees”).

1. Kultura organizacyjna – podejście „Santander Way” oraz hasło T.E.A.M.S.

2. Równe szanse i zakaz dyskryminacji

3. Inkluzywne i pełne szacunku środowisko pracy

4. Przeciwdziałanie konfliktom interesów

5. Przetwarzanie informacji poufnych i danych osobowych

6. Zachowanie w mediach i podczas wystąpień publicznych

7. Procedury postępowania obowiązujące na rynkach papierów wartościowych

8. Utrzymywanie uczciwych i odpowiedzialnych relacji z podmiotami konkurencyjnymi

9. Cyberbezpieczeństwo

10. Odpowiedzialne korzystanie z mediów społecznościowych

11. Wiarygodność i transparentność informacji finansowych

12. Kontrola wydatków pracowników

13. Poszanowanie prawa własności intelektualnej i przemysłowej

14. Sprzedaż produktów i usług bankowych

15. Kontakty z dostawcami i pośrednikami

16. Podarunki i zaproszenia od osób trzecich

17. Przeciwdziałanie przestępstwom finansowym

18. Współpraca z organami publicznymi

All employees are required to familiarise themselves with the provisions of the Code and to abide by them. The principles described in the document are presented during onboarding training, and they are also periodically refreshed during mandatory training courses, such as the bank’s obligatory training course General Code of Conduct, Anti-Corruption and Prevention of Criminal Liability Risks.

The provisions of the Code are complemented by the Group’s internal documents:

  • Code of Conduct in Securities Markets,
  • Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Policy,
  • Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy,
  • Conflict of Interest Policy,
  • Whistleblowing Policy,
  • Respect and Dignity Policy.

The bank’s Compliance function supported by the Human Resources function is responsible for the development, implementation and application of the General Code of Conduct. Observance of the Code is overseen by the Regulatory and Reputational Risk Committee, the Management Board and the Audit and Compliance Committee of the Supervisory Board. The Code is reviewed annually. In 2023, no changes were made to the Code.

One of the areas regulated in the Code and elaborated upon in the ”Whistleblowing Policy” is the issue of reporting violations of the law and corporate standards.

Employees may use for this purpose the following channels, also on an anonymous basis:

  • KLAKSON application
  • ethical helpline,
  • dedicated mailbox,
  • letters sent by post to the address indicated in the internal rules.

The channels are operated internally, only in certain situations can submitted reports be forwarded to an external expert for examination. All information sent, including the identity of the whistleblower, is treated as confidential. The whistleblower has the choice to report the case by name or anonymously. Once the information gathered has been clarified and verified, disciplinary or other action may be taken against the persons concerned. In accordance with the Group’s internal regulations it is prohibited to take repressive measures or draw any consequences against whistleblowers. The Group also applies the good industry practices compiled in the ”Code of Banking Ethics”, developed by the Polish Bank Association.

  • GRI:
  • Number of reports of irregularities and/or issues for investigation to the ethical mailbox and helplineCustom indicator
    Number of reports of irregularities and/or issues for investigation to the ethical mailbox and helpline

In 2023, we received 143 reports through whistleblowing channels (including the ethical mailbox, the app and the helpline).

At Santander Bank Polska S.A., the Chief Compliance Officer acting under the authority of the bank’s Management Board is responsible for the operation of the whistleblowing procedures and designated employees of the compliance function (Compliance and Financial Crime Control Division) and authorised employees receive reports and take follow-up action.

With regard to the communication of material issues to the bank’s governing bodies, at least once every six months the Member of the Management Board in charge of the Compliance and Financial Crime Control Division informs – through periodic reports – the President of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of material reports received through whistleblowing channels.

Reports deemed material include, but are not limited to:

  • matters relating to persistent or repeated or large-scale irregularities in the application of procedures or in the execution of processes,
  • issues that may give rise to a risk of criminal, civil or administrative liability of the bank or expose the bank to regulatory sanctions, and
  • reports that contain information causing a high reputational risk for the bank, the Santander Bank Polska Group or the Santander Group.

The whistleblowing channels mentioned above are intended for persons employed by the bank under an employment contract or a civil law contract, including top management and members of the bank’s management and supervisory bodies. These channels are also used by analogous persons in subsidiaries (Santander Factoring sp. z o.o., Santander Leasing S.A., Santander Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych S.A.).

For example, at Santander Factoring sp. z o. o. ”Whistleblowing policy” based on the regulations of Santander Bank Polska S.A. takes into account the specific nature and organisational structure of the company. Among other things, special forms and applications have been implemented to enable open reporting of violations of applicable regulations and suspicious customer behaviour that may result in the commission of a criminal offence (so called anti-frauds).

At Santander Leasing S.A., reports sent through whistleblowing channels provided by the bank are dealt with by special units of the bank with the participation of Santander Leasing S.A.. Complaints submitted by customers directly to the company are handled by its business units. Santander Leasing S.A. also maintains records of breaches of regulations and incidents that pose a reputational risk to the company.

At Santander TFI S.A. the Internal Audit and Compliance Department is authorised to receive reports of violations, take follow-up action and manage the operation of procedures for anonymous reporting of violations.

Santander Consumer Bank S.A. also has channels in place for reporting violations of the law, as well as internal regulations and ethical rules. These include mailboxes and the external application Sygnanet. Violations can be reported there by current and former employees, job candidates, trainees and interns, members of Santander Consumer Bank’s bodies and suppliers. Responsibility for receiving reports lies (depending on the channel of reporting) with either the bank’s CEO and designated employees of the Compliance Department or the Supervisory Board or designated members of the Supervisory Board.

  • GRI:
  • List of key activities and initiatives implemented in the bank during the year to increase employees’ knowledge of the bank’s ethics and corporate cultureCustom indicator
    List of key activities and initiatives implemented in the bank during the year to increase employees’ knowledge of the bank’s ethics and corporate culture
  • Processes to remediate negative impacts2-25
    Processes to remediate negative impacts

Activities to prepare employees to report irregularities in the workplace continued in 2023 and included:

  • a communication campaign to promote ethical attitudes, the “Speak Up” culture and ways to report violations and irregularities,
  • the Ethics and Relations Office’s educational activities for managers with a series of articles based on lessons learned from reports submitted through whistleblowing channels,
  • series of articles for employees on discrimination and webinars on bullying,
  • meetings between the Director of the Ethics and Relations Office and the members of the Management Board to discuss the conclusions and recommendations drawn up on the basis of the cases reported by employees.

Conflicts of interest

  • GRI:
  • Conflict of interest 2-15
    Conflict of interest

The conflict of interest policies in place in the Santander Bank Polska Group are based on the regulations implemented in the parent company. The ”Policy of Preventing Conflicts of Interest at Santander Bank Polska S.A.” elaborates the provisions of the “General Code of Conduct” by requiring all employees to give priority to the interests of the Group, customers and other stakeholders, which they may under no circumstances subordinate to their private interests.

According to the Code, employees and company management are bound by, among other things:

  • prohibition of special treatment or offering special terms of employment due to personal or family ties,
  • prohibition on deriving additional benefits from a position held in the Group, except in explicitly permissible cases,
  • prohibition from participating in the approval of transactions or influencing transactions with parties associated by economic or family ties acting as beneficiaries or guarantors.

The Policy of Preventing Conflicts of Interest at Santander Bank Polska S.A. also regulates cases of conflict of interest:

  • between customers,
  • between the bank and its customers,
  • resulting from the relationship between a subsidiary and the bank acting as the parent company,
  • between Group entities and members of their governing bodies,
  • with significant shareholders of subsidiaries,
  • between the bank and its suppliers, third parties or major business partners,
  • between the bank’s functions and/or business units,
  • between two subsidiaries,
  • between members of the bank’s Supervisory Board or Management Board, or between members of these bodies and other employees (arising, among other things, from non-business relationships, kinship or affinity),
  • between the bank and related parties other than the ones mentioned above.

At Santander Bank Polska S.A., potential conflicts of interest are assessed by experts from the Compliance and Financial Crime Control Division. They have the right to request certain data or information on personal or professional conditions that may affect the performance of employees’ duties and their decisions.

Members of the bank’s Management and Supervisory Boards prevent conflicts of interest in the first place by avoiding professional activities that may lead to their occurrence. They are also not allowed to take part in the resolution of matters where a conflict of interest involving them has arisen or may arise. They are furthermore obliged to inform the bank of such situations. The issues of possible conflicts of interest concerning the members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board are examined prior to their appointment to these bodies and as part of the regular, follow-up suitability assessments.

In accordance with generally applicable laws, the bank discloses in its periodic financial statements to stakeholders information about:

  • membership in management boards/ supervisory boards of other organizations,
  • ownership of shares in supplier companies and other stakeholders,
  • existence of majority shareholders in the company,
  • related parties, relationships and transactions with them, as well as maturing receivables.

We provide information on the assessment of the suitability of members of the bank’s Management Board and Supervisory Board to the Polish Financial Supervision Authority. In accordance with our policies on the suitability of members of the bank’s authorities, we re-assess whether a member of the Management Board or Supervisory Board devotes sufficient time to his/her duties when the member takes on an additional executive role or begins to carry out other relevant activities, including political activities. The assessment of the suitability of Supervisory Board members is made at the General Meeting of shareholders and the documents are published on the dedicated website.

In addition, the bank fulfils its disclosure obligations related to the information about significant shareholdings in cases specified in the Public Offering Act. The topic of disclosure of conflicts of interest is also addressed in the Regulations on Investing by or for the account of Related Persons in Financial Instruments at Santander Bank Polska S.A.. It obliges persons acting in a managerial capacity and persons closely related to them to notify the Polish Financial Supervision Authority and the bank of any transaction for their account in respect of the bank’s shares, the bank’s debt instruments, derivatives or other related financial instruments.

This policy applies to the bank and is the reference document that other entities should follow in dealing with the issues raised in it. Group companies are required to use this document as the basis for all policies, procedures and regulations that they develop and implement in the area concerned, while making any changes required to bring its provisions into line with local rules, recommendations and instructions issued by supervisory authorities.

Anti-corruption policies

  • GRI:
  • Communication and training on anticorruption policies and procedures (indicator reported partially)205-2
    Communication and training on anticorruption policies and procedures (indicator reported partially)
  • Confirmed cases of corruption and actions taken in response to them205-3
    Confirmed cases of corruption and actions taken in response to them
  • GPW:
  • Anti-corruption policy G-P5
    Anti-corruption policy

Corruption prevention issues are described in the Group-wide 'General Code of Conduct’ which used to be supplemented by the ”Anti-Corruption Programme”. In December 2023 the programme was replaced by the ”Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy (ABC)” updating the training matters in this area.

All of our Group companies operate according to the principle of Zero Tolerance for Corruption , and the regulations implemented relate, inter alia, to:

  • gifts and invitations given to public officials,
  • gifts and invitations given to employees,
  • relations with third parties,
  • application of additional control mechanisms,
  • channels for reporting violations of rules.

In 2023, there was not a single case of corruption in the Group, nor were there any legal proceedings for corrupt practices against companies or their employees.

We want both our anti-corruption policies and our position on this issue to be known to all Group employees, as well as to members of the governing bodies. In parallel to communicating the procedures as part of the standard internal regulation communication process, we also organise mandatory anti-corruption training.

In 2023, training was available for Group employees on the following topics:

  • General Code of Conduct,
  • Anti-Corruption Programme / ABC Policy,
  • Guidelines on gifts and invitations,
  • Corporate Defense.

Results of the implementation of the Santander Bank Polska Group’s communication and training activities focusing on anti-corruption policies and procedures

Wyniki realizacji działań Grupy Santander Bank Polska w zakresie komunikacji i szkoleń poświęconych politykom i procedurom antykorupcyjnym
Number of employees by job category Number of employees to whom anti-corruption policies and procedures have been communicated % of employees to whom anti-corruption policies and procedures have been communicated Number of employees who have received anti-corruption training % of employees who have received anti-corruption training
Group (including the Bank) 12,072 11,799 98% 11,677 97%
Members of the bank’s Management Board 11 11 100% 11 100%
Representatives of the bank’s senior management* 64 64 100% 63 98%
Representatives of the bank’s middle management** 1,369 1,369 100% 1,357 99%
Other employees of the bank*** 8,602 8,602 100% 8,495 99%
Total for the bank 10,046 10,046 100% 9,926 99%
* Employees excluding members of the Management Board and middle management of Santander Bank Polska S.A.
** Other managers of Santander Bank Polska S.A.
*** Employees on long-term leave of absence are not included

Members of the bank's governing bodies trained in anti-corruption / to whom anti-corruption policies and procedures have been communicated

Członkowie organów zarządczych Banku przeszkoleni w zakresie zwalczania korupcji / którym została zakomunikowana polityka i procedury dotyczące zwalczania korupcji
Percentage of governing body members to whom the organisation’s anti-corruption policy and procedures have been communicated Percentage of governing body members who have received
anti-corruption training
Management Board 100% 100%
Supervisory Board 100% 0%
Total 100% 52%

We do not collect data on the communication of anti-corruption procedures to business partners across the Group. We do not collect data by region.