Under the programme, upon fulfilment of certain conditions, an award is granted as a component of variable remuneration in the form of the bank’s own shares. To this end, between 2023 and 2033, Santander Bank Polska will acquire up to 2,331,000 own shares.
The total variable remuneration awarded for a calendar year to the members of the Management Board may not exceed 100% of the fixed remuneration awarded for the calendar year in question. In exceptional cases, this limit may be increased to a maximum of 200% of the fixed remuneration, subject to the approval of the General Meeting of the bank’s Shareholders.
Variable remuneration – awarded on the basis of bonus regulations – is paid in cash and in the form of financial instruments. The value of the payment in the form of financial instruments may not be less than 50% of the total variable remuneration payment.
Payment of at least 40% of each variable remuneration component shall be deferred for a period of five years. A malus clause may be applied to the deferred portion of the variable remuneration if performance-related or risk-changing situations arise.
Upon expiry of their mandate, removal from office or non-appointment to a new term of office, the members of the Management Board are entitled to severance pay. The right to severance pay does not apply in the event of resumption of employment within the bank’s structures, dismissal for disciplinary reasons, as well as resignation or failure to receive a vote of acceptance for the performance of duties.
The bank does not offer members of the Management Board, Supervisory Board or senior management any special retirement benefits and does not have any pension or benefit obligations of a similar nature in relation to these individuals.
More information about the remuneration of Supervisory and Management Board members, Incentive Programme VII and the bank’s shares held by members of the Management Board can be found in our Corporate Governance Statement for 2023.