Santander and Cambridge Judge Business School offer 1,000 Sustainability and Climate Change Scholarships

Goal 3 - Good health and well-being
Goal 5 - Gender equality
Goal 8 - Decent work and economic growth
Goal 9 - Industry, innovation and infractructure
Goal 11 - Sustainable cities and communities
Goal 13 - Climate action
Goal 17 - Partnerships for the goals

The Santander Group, together with Cambridge Judge Business School, the most renowned educational institution focused on sustainable development, offer 1,000 Santander Sustainability Scholarships | Skills for the Green Transition – Cambridge Judge Business School.

The scholarships are designed for individuals who would like to actively participate in green initiatives in their workplace, regardless of sector, or who would like to change their professional profile to one related to sustainability. Scholarships will be available to residents of 13 countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Germany, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Spain, United States, United Kingdom and Uruguay).

The six-week international programme, delivered in an online format, offers participants a global perspective on environmental issues and the global challenges of biodiversity loss, deforestation, renewable energy, and the circular economy. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to develop practical knowledge of how ESG criteria (environmental, social responsibility and corporate governance) are applied to specific companies.

Green transformation, the transition to low- or zero-carbon modes of operation, is the biggest and most pressing challenge we face as a society. More and more companies are setting specific decarbonisation targets and sustainability is part of their business strategy. Employers are therefore looking for candidates with relevant knowledge in this area. That is why we invite to participate in the project both people who enter the labour market and want to broaden their competences, but also those who want to change their career path. This is a unique opportunity to look at the challenges we face from a global perspective.

Katarzyna Teter

Sustainability and ESG Team Manager

The course will equip participants with the tools necessary to undertake sustainability initiatives in the work environment and analyse their impact.

Scholarship applications can be submitted at until June 9. Participation in the programme is free of charge and applicants do not need to have a university degree or be a bank customer. Participants will receive a certificate of completion from Cambridge Judge Business School Executive Education.

Achieving sustainable development is the greatest challenge we face today. The University of Cambridge and Cambridge Judge Business School have been at the forefront of efforts to understand this complex challenge and how to address it. We no longer see it as a problem only for future generations. We should be actively involved in initiatives to address it. I very much look forward to working with the Santander Group to share knowledge and skills in this area. I am sure that together we can do more, and I look forward to the future initiatives that we will take together.

Professor Mauro Guillén

Dean of Cambridge Judge Business School