#aFIRMAcje – free training programme for entrepreneurs from Santander Bank Polska

Goal 4 - Quality eduaction
Goal 5 - Gender equality
Goal 8 - Decent work and economic growth
Goal 9 - Industry, innovation and infractructure
Goal 11 - Sustainable cities and communities
Goal 17 - Partnerships for the goals

Santander Bank Polska is launching the #aFIRMAcje (Affirmations) project for entrepreneurs and people who want to start their own business. It is a series of free-of-charge training courses with recognised experts from various industries. The project’s partners are Polfund Fundusz Poręczeń Kredytowych S.A. and the Polish Entrepreneurship Foundation.

Every year, more and more people decide to set up their own business. In the first quarter of 2023, the number of registered businesses reached 96,274*, almost 3,500 more than in the same period a year earlier. In the difficult economic environment that companies have had to face in recent years, the development of soft skills in entrepreneurs increases their chances of success. Santander Bank Polska wants to support people running businesses by helping them to acquire new skills in free training courses.


We support entrepreneurs not only by offering them new solutions and tools for their finances, but also by helping them to grow. The #aFIRMAcje project was created to share practical knowledge with entrepreneurs. Trainings develop soft skills related to branding, motivation or business networking.

Filip Jaskuła

Santander Bank Polska

Inspiring people to start a business is one of the statutory activities of the Polish Entrepreneurship Foundation. We motivate those who are only just thinking about starting their own company, but we also try to revive the motivation in those who have been running their business for years and are looking for new paths, solutions and inspiration. The #aFIRMAcje project takes an unconventional approach to training. It combines factual knowledge with the laid-back and light-hearted approach brought by very interesting speakers.

Marcin Pawłowski

President of the Polish Enterpreneurship Foundation

In the course of eight meetings, well-known experts from various industries will share their knowledge and experience. Karol Bielecki, Poland’s national handball player, will talk about motivation; Janina Bąk, statistician and writer, will tell participants how not to be afraid of bold ideas and how to take care of their mental health. And Iwona Caputa, business coach and ICF accredited coach, will share her knowledge of brand building on LinkedIn.

Online training courses held every other Tuesday at 9.00 a.m. on the training platform of the Polish Entrepreneurship Foundation will last until September. The next meeting with Karol Bielecki on motivation will take place on 20 June. #aFIRMAcje is another joint project after 'MOCni w Biznesie’ (POWERful in Business), prepared jointly by Santander Bank Polska and the Polish Entrepreneurship Foundation.

For more details on the #aFIRMAtions programme and the training schedule, please visit www.santander.pl/szkolenia.