Santander Bank Polska awarded for equal pay and tackling the pay gap

Goal 3 - Good health and well-being
Goal 5 - Gender equality
Goal 8 - Decent work and economic growth
Goal 11 - Sustainable cities and communities

Santander Bank Polska has been awarded the Equal Pay Certificate. The award is granted for equal pay for men and women and its transparency.     

The Equal Pay Certificate (EPC) was launched to encourage companies operating in Poland to implement practices that provide equal opportunities for men and women in the labour market and to promote the prevention of pay gaps. The awarding of the Certificate is preceded by an audit, the results of which are assessed by the EPC jury.

Poland is one of the EU leaders when it comes to equal pay, but this is not to say that we should lessen our efforts to make pay equal. At Santander Bank Poland, we have consistently implemented measures to help close the pay gap. In 2023, our Equal Pay Gap (EPG) indicator stood at 1.2% and has halved over the last two years. One of our targets is to close the pay gap by 2025. We are very pleased that our long-standing efforts have been recognised and rewarded with a certificate.

Dorota Strojkowska

member of the Management Board of Santander Bank Polska

The company survey focuses on three main areas:

  • Equal pay – policies and practices to ensure equal pay between employees of different genders and mechanisms to prevent pay discrimination are reviewed.
  • Proper conduct and procedures – examination of procedures to ensure equal treatment and non-discrimination and conformance with the law is assessed.
  • Planning and dissemination of equality measures – companies present gender equality action plans or integrate gender equality into their HR policies.

The Equal Pay Certificate distinction is awarded jointly by Dziennik Gazeta Prawna and the originators of Equal Pay Certificate idea, Katarzyna Woszczyna and Monika Błońska. The presentation of the certificates to the three companies awarded this year took place during Impact’24.