Santander Bank Polska launches a series of podcasts called “With New Energy About Finance.”

Goal 3 - Good health and well-being
Goal 4 - Quality eduaction
Goal 5 - Gender equality
Goal 8 - Decent work and economic growth
Goal 9 - Industry, innovation and infractructure
Goal 11 - Sustainable cities and communities
Goal 13 - Climate action
Goal 17 - Partnerships for the goals

Every Wednesday, experts and leaders in their industries discuss the opportunities and challenges of sustainable transformation.

In the podcast series “With New Energy on Finance,” members of the business and academic communities, together with Santander Bank Polska experts, will share their knowledge and experience on how to finance and manage sustainable transformation in key carbon-intensive industries in Poland. Over the course of the 8 episodes of the series, the experts will also discuss how to decarbonize business and make money on sustainable business transformation. Guests invited to the podcast will address topics including Poland’s carbon neutrality by 2050, energy pricing,  thermal modernization of buildings, electromobility, greentech, calculating carbon footprint or the future of insurance in light of sustainability and climate change.

The ongoing transformation towards sustainable development, beyond the dimension of existing legal obligations at the national level, is first and foremost a huge opportunity for our clients to advance technology, reduce costs and access new markets and sources of financing. Through the podcasts, we want to give entrepreneurs an idea of what stage of the process the key industries are at, as well as what support and tools they can expect.

Bartosz Ziółek

Head of Digital Solutions at Santander Bank Polska

The podcasts are part of educational activities related to the implementation of Santander Bank Poland’s business strategy for 2024-2026. One of its three pillars is the ESG agenda, which includes activities and solutions focusing on, among other things, sustainable development and supporting the economy in its transition to low-carbon solutions. In practice, environmental and climate issues are taken into account by the bank, among other things, in the process of creating products and services and in the credit analysis of business customers. In addition to sustainable products, the bank also offers comprehensive advisory services to help clients transition to low-carbon business models.

”Since 2022, based on the EU Taxonomy and other international standards, we have been using the bank's own system for evaluating and classifying sustainable finance. The system identifies which financial products can support social projects and projects aimed at reducing environmental impact. Our customers can also take advantage of dedicated products, such as loans for renewable energy sources or green bonds. As a result, last year we provided sustainable financing amounting to PLN 7,671 million, an increase of 145% year-on-year. Supporting customers in sustainable transition is among our bank's priorities because it's one of the key tools for building their competitive advantages and growing their business.

Tycjan Bielecki

Managing Director/ Tribe Leader ESG & Home Solutions at Santander Bank Polska

The podcast series “With New Energy About Finance,” produced in partnership with RASP, consists of 8 episodes of podcast talks hosted by Magdalena Krukowska, editor of Forbes Poland. You can listen to the first episode today on major streaming platforms including Spotify, Apple Podcast, Onet Audio, as well as on and