Santander Bank Polska, the Management Faculty of the University of Łódź and IPMA Polska will provide training in project management

Santander Bank Polska, in partnership with the Management Faculty of the University of Łódź and IPMA Poland, has prepared a free online course in project management. Participants have the chance to obtain an IPMA-D certificate. Applications for the scholarship can be submitted until 13 November.

Project management is now an essential part of work in many organisations. Projects are everywhere – be it the purchase of new equipment, organisational changes, the implementation of new IT systems or the preparation of an advertising campaign. A project is a tool for implementing different types of initiatives as well as the strategic goals of an organisation. The labour market is looking for people who are able to manage projects and thus effectively achieve their objectives.

In today's rapidly changing and competitive business environment, the ability to manage projects enables us to adapt quickly to change, minimise risk and maintain control over processes. Inside and outside the bank, through numerous educational programmes, we promote development and equal opportunities. Therefore, for the second time, together with IPMA Poland and the Faculty of Management at the University of Łódź, we have launched a call for free online courses. We offer places for 250 participants. To further motivate course participants to be active and committed to learning, we will finance an IPMA-D certification course for the top 30 persons. I encourage you to apply and develop your skills.

Wojciech Leśniewski

Director of the Office of Santander Universidades

The programme is aimed at people who want to learn the basics of project management, but also at those who have already had their first experience. In order to participate, you must be at least 18 years of age and live in Poland.

The organisers are offering 250 places on the free course, which will be conducted 100% online.

To our great satisfaction, we are embarking on another project that reaches a very wide audience and provides a free-of-charge opportunity to broaden knowledge and improve competence in project management under the guidance of professionals. The Faculty of Management at the University of Łódź has been very active in the field of cooperation with business for many years. A key element of our mission is to combine science with practice and to open up new opportunities for development. Our long-standing cooperation with Santander Bank Poland and IPMA Poland is the best confirmation of this. I encourage all interested persons to apply.

Jakub Marszałek

PhD, Professor at the University of Łódź, Vice-Dean for Educational Quality and Environmental Cooperation at the Faculty of Management at the University of Łódź

The course consists of two stages. Stage 1 is a 16-hour project management training course covering topics such as:

  • Introduction to project management.
  • Project team formation, management and communication.
  • Project implementation planning.

Stage 2 is the preparation for the IPMA-D certification exam, which will be taken by the top 30 participants in the programme. The certificate will help the trainees make their mark on the labour market.

How to apply

In order to take part in the training, a scholarship application must be submitted no later than 13 November. Participation in the programme is free of charge and applicants do not need to have a university degree or be a bank customer.

More details, rules and regulations and an application form can be found at