Santander Bank Polska awarded in the 13th Ranking of Responsible Businesses

In this year’s 13th edition of the Ranking of Responsible Businesses, our bank ranked second, moving up from the sixth place last year.

The Ranking of Responsible Businesses is a list of companies operating in Poland evaluated in terms of the quality of their systems for the management of corporate social responsibility activities. The ranking offers a reliable and accurate assessment of the current level of advancement in tackling sustainable development challenges and is also a valuable educational instrument. More than 200 companies operating on the Polish market have already been ranked.

This year, Santander Bank Polska was recognized mainly for managing its positive impact, pursuing a strategy of responsible development and for doing business in a responsible way. This is another important step in the implementation of our #ResponsibleBanking strategy. Especially that since last year we have moved four places up and finished second in the overall ranking.

ust like last year, the Ranking of Responsible Businesses was accompanied by the competition named Start-ups with a Positive Impact which has identified and awarded sixteen most innovative start-ups contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The organizer of the Ranking of Responsible Businesses 2019 is the Responsible Business Forum, the expert partner in charge of reviewing all submissions  is Deloitte while the media  partner is Dziennik Gazeta Prawna. The ranking is prepared by Professor Bolesław Rok from the Centre of the Positive Impact Entrepreneurship Analyses, Leon Koźmiński University and Jarosław Horodecki, a journalist.

For more information about the competition visit the official website. The list of this year’s winners is available here.