Santander Bank Polska helps Customers

The first package of reliefs for customers is ready.

As of 19 March this year, we have introduced the possibility of applying for a grace period of 3 or 6 months for repayment of the principal of instalment loans for small and medium-sized companies, at the Customer’s discretion. The suspended capital will be spread proportionally over the remaining loan tenor, with the final repayment date remaining unchanged. During the grace period, the customer pays only interest instalments. Applications can be submitted over the phone now and soon it will also be possible in online banking.

Holders of overdraft facilities will automatically be granted an extension of the overdraft period for another 2 months if the maturity date is in the near future. No fee will be charged for this and no annex is required. We inform our clients about this solution via the communication channel on our online banking platform. If someone does not want to take advantage of the extension, they simply need to inform us about it.

Additionally, together with our partner inFakt, providing the eAccounting service, we have launched a free helpline. Customers can speak to accountants and receive information about government aid solutions, benefits for entrepreneurs or the possibility of remote bookkeeping services. Contact:  Helpline: 22 307 80 10

We accept applications from retail customers for suspension of cash and mortgage loan principal repayment. We will process the applications as soon as possible.

In the coming days, we will provide our customers with a complex solution to apply for suspension of  loan principal l instalments for a period of 3 or 6 months. Customers will be able to  file their applications:

  • over the phone via the Multichannel Communication Centre at 1 9999

  • in Santander Internet

  • in any branch or partner outlet of our bank

To make it easier for customers to access cash, we have also introduced a fee exemption for withdrawals from third-party ATMs and waived the cashback fee.

Also, as of 20 March we have made all our payment cards ready for contactless payments up to PLN 100 without  PIN.

We are finalizing work on further solutions, including the ones dedicated to other categories of entrepreneurs. Our overriding goal is to ensure financing continuity for our customers by implementing simplified credit processes. Additionally, we are working on a package of support solutions to ensure liquidity for our customers.

Up-to-date information about available solutions and support measures can be found at