Santander Bank Polska Foundation launches the „Flame Club” in the University Clinical Hospital in Wrocław

The Flame Club („Klub Płomyka”), a playroom for children and a place of rest for accompanying carers, has been opened at a hospital in Wrocław. Spaces of this kind in children’s hospital wards have been established on the initiative of the Santander Foundation for two years now.

Santander Bank Polska Foundation has opened „The Flame Club” in the Jan Mikulicz University Clinical Hospital in Wroclaw. The Flame Club is divided into two zones. The first one is a space for adults who visit little patients. It is equipped with a small kitchenette and a place to sit. The second part is intended for children. It includes a rocking chair and a sofa, from which they can comfortably watch cartoons. The whole room is very colourful and the walls are decorated with stickers.

The club is loved by our patients, and those who can leave their rooms are very happy to spend time there. Nobody enjoys a stay in hospital, especially children full of energy. So this place is for them a substitute of their own room or playground. The hospital, as we all know, would find it difficult to raise the funds for such an investment, so we greatly appreciate the Foundation’s gesture.

Professor Dariusz Patkowski

Head of the Department of Paediatric Surgery and Urology at the University Clinical Hospital in Wrocław

We create the Flame Clubs to make the hospitalized children and their parents feel at least a little bit like home. We have thoroughly renovated a room at the hospital in Wrocław and equipped it with comfortable furniture, household appliances, electronic equipment and toys for the youngest patients.

Marzena Atkielska

Management Board President of the Santander Bank Polska Foundation

These are not the only changes that Santander Bank Polska Foundation has introduced at the Clinic. In response to the needs of the hospital, the waiting room in the Paediatric Surgery Clinic was converted into a playroom where parents and children waiting to be admitted to a specialist can spend their time in a more pleasant way than before.

We wanted to meet the expectations of children, parents, but also doctors and nurses who work in the clinic. Together with hospital employees we created a place whose equipment meets hygiene and safety standards, especially important during the pandemic.

Magdalena Szewczyk

coordinator of the Flame Club project

Flame Clubs not only in Wrocław

This year further renovations and four new Flame Clubs are planned.

Helping children and hospitals is one of the most important pillars of the Santander Foundation’s activity. The opening of the „Flame Club” in the University Clinical Hospital in Wroclaw is only the beginning of our plans for 2021. Currently, we are working on the renovation of the Children’s Home in Jelenia Góra. Our goal is to put into use a total of five such places over the year.

Marzena Atkielska

President of the Foundation

The „Flame Club” project has been running since 2019. Its main idea is to make the stay of children in hospitals, orphanages or school and educational centres more pleasant. The clubs bring colours, toys and necessary equipment into usually grey, not very pleasant spaces. So far four such multifunctional rooms have been created, in hospitals in Gdańsk, Kępno and Piaseczno as well as in a specialist educational centre in Białystok.