Governance (G)

The objective of sustainable and socially responsible development at Santander Bank Polska S.A. is to build long-term value for all stakeholders.

Approach and the Management Board's role in ESG management


Our mission is to help people and businesses prosper and our vision is to be the best retail and business bank, enjoying the lasting loyalty of our employees, customers, communities and shareholders.

We are one of the three largest banks in the Polish banking sector and, taking into account our ownership structure, the largest private bank in the country. The scale of our operations is:

  • More than 5.695 million customers
  • 9 920 employees
  • 1 424 ATMs and dual function machines
  • 351 branches, outlets and Santander zones (in total)
  • 170 partner outlets

Role of the Management Board

The Members of the Management Board manage the Company’s affairs jointly, in particular:

  • define the mission of the bank,
  • set long-term action plans and strategic objectives,
  • develop assumptions for business and financial plans,
  • implement corporate governance at the Bank and ensure compliance with it,
  • approve plans and monitor their implementation,
  • keep the Supervisory Board regularly informed of the bank’s situation, at times and in the scope agreed with that body,
  • set up standing and ad hoc committees and designate persons responsible for steering the work of these committees.

Managing ESG and Responsible Banking

The bank’s ESG area is managed by the Responsible Banking and Corporate Culture Committee. The Committee’s work is chaired by the bank’s CEO.

Powers and responsibilities of the Responsible Banking and Corporate Culture Committee:

  • defining the strategy and annual objectives in the field of responsible banking and corporate culture,
  • managing the responsible business policy and corporate culture of Santander Bank Polska Group,
  • ensuring the implementation of the provisions of Santander Bank Polska S.A.’s social and environmental policies,
  • approving long-term action plans on responsible banking and corporate culture of Santander Bank Polska S.A.,
  • coordinating the responsible banking and corporate culture strategy, exercising oversight and aligning with the Group’s business objectives,
  • monitoring and evaluating the undertakings and projects implemented as part of the strategy,
  • conducting analysis of the organisation in terms of responsible banking and compliance with organisational culture standards.

Our approach to responsible business and sustainability is defined by the Responsible Banking strategy which is an integral part of our overall business strategy.

The objectives set as mandatory targets within the Responsible Banking strategy affect the annual appraisal of all employees. In addition, three of them have an impact on the level of the Board’s bonus pool.

The members of the bank’s Management Board are appointed and dismissed in accordance with the provisions of the Commercial Companies Code and the Banking Law, as well as the provisions of the Bank’s Articles of Association.

Our internal regulation specifying, among other things, the requirements for members of the Management Board is the „Policy for the selection and assessment of the suitability of members of the Management Board and persons holding key positions at Santander Bank Polska S.A.”. According to it, when appointing members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board, we take into account criteria to ensure the comprehensiveness and diversity of these bodies.  All members of the Management Board are subject to an individual suitability assessment, and the Board as a whole is also subject to a collective suitability assessment.

Role of the Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board of Santander Bank Polska S.A. exercises continuous supervision over the bank’s activities and may appoint committees and designate persons responsible for managing their work.

The bank’s Supervisory Board has the following committees:

  • Audit and Compliance Committee,
  • Risk Committee,
  • Nominations Committee,
  • Remuneration Committee.

The selection of the members of the Management Board and Supervisory Board is governed by the relevant policies.

Not only do we ensure that the members of the Management Board and Supervisory Board are characterised by a broad range of competencies, high professional qualifications, adequate professional experience, skills and good repute, but we also strive to achieve gender balance in the composition of these bodies and to increase diversity in terms of age, education, experience and geographical origin.

For more information on the rules for selecting members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board, please see the Management Board Report 2022 of Santander Bank Polska S.A. Group.

For details on the bank’s governance structure see our ESG Report

Responsible Banking strategy

The two main pillars on which we rely while building our responsible bank in line with the Responsible Banking strategy are corporate culture and sustainable finance.

We adapt the Responsible Banking Agenda to the challenges and needs of society in order to help and meet needs in line with the best international standards. This applies in particular to:

  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),
  • Paris Climate Agreement,
  • UNEP FI Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB),
  • Net Zero Banking Alliance.

The Bank’s ESG strategy contributes to the achievement of the global goals of the UN’s Agenda 2030. The bank focuses its business activities on those areas where it has a real impact as a financial institution. These are:

Policies and documents that define our approach to sustainable development

The Responsible banking and sustainability policy sets out the Group’s voluntary, general ethical, social and environmental commitments and principles, which go beyond the requirements of the legal framework. It is supplemented by the following additional documents:

  • Social, Environmental and Climate Change Risk Management Policy,
  • Corporate Volunteering Policy,
  • Defence Sector Policy.
  • Sensitive sectors financing policy.
Wyniki realizacji celów Odpowiedzialnej Bankowości
2022 results 2021 results
Top 10 employers (position in the ranking) Top Employer certificate Top Employer certificate
Women in senior positions 34.7% 34.7%
Equal Pay Gap 2.0% 2.4%
Number of people financially empowered
as of 1 January, 2019 (thousands)
 651,453 130,992
Green finance in line with FSCS (in EUR m)*  566.4 214.0
Electricity from renewable sources (%)**  83.5% 82.0%
Elimination of single-use plastics (% implementation)  100% 100%
Scholarships, internships and job placements (number)  5,915 6,422
Number of people helped 493,461 305,652
* Change in the metric presentation: results from the Corporate and Investment Banking Division have been added and information on compliance with SFCS provided
** Electricity purchased directly by the bank

Managing ESG risk as part of the risk management system

We have identified social and environmental risks, including climate risks, associated with the financing of clients’ projects in sensitive sectors. From the point of view of the negative impact of individual risks on social, environmental, labour, respect for human rights and anti-corruption, operational, compliance and reputational risks are of particular importance. The management of socio-environmental risks at our bank has been governed by relevant policies since 2015.

In 2021, we implemented the „Social, environmental and climate change risk management policy”.

We have consistently implemented ESG risk procedures across all business lines and have identified social and environmental risks, including climate risks and those related to financing projects of clients in sensitive sectors.

Responsibility for ESG risk management

Since 2021, the ESG Forum has been responsible for planning our activities arising from the Responsible Banking Strategy. The Forum has 11 members representing all banking divisions and is chaired by the bank's CEO.

Tasks of the Forum:

  • analysis of the challenges, opportunities and risks of the EU Sustainable Finance agenda, including ESG risks;

  • action planning;

  • coordination of the implementation of actions in the bank.

The results of the ESG Forum’s work are reported periodically to the bank’s Management Board and twice a year to the Responsible Banking and Corporate Culture Committee.

The bank’s Management Board is responsible for overseeing and approving the Responsible Banking Strategy and the integration of ESG criteria into the overall business strategy (in the short, medium and/or long-term perspective) and as part of risk management.

At Santander Bank Polska S.A., issues related to ESG risks are the responsibility of all Management Board Members. The Risk Division acts as the second line of defence in the management of ESG risks.

The following graph shows the Santander Bank Polska S.A.’s units responsible for climate risk management

For more information on the risk management system, see our:

Ethics and anti-corruption

Code of Conduct

The Santander Group and the Santander Bank Polska Group have an efficient ethical infrastructure, the cornerstone of which is the „General Code of Conduct” (the Code), which contains ethical standards applicable to all employees and provisions for specific situations.

All units of the Santander Bank Polska Group are responsible for applying the principles of the Code. A special role is assigned to the management of the Compliance and Internal Audit, the Audit and Compliance Committee and the Human Resources which should ensure that the General Code of Conduct is adhered to by the persons subject to the Code.

For more information, see our ESG Report.


The General Code of Conduct and the Whistleblowing Policy describe how to report violations of the law and corporate standards.

The procedure ensures the confidentiality and examination of the information provided. It is forbidden to take any repressive measures against whistleblowers or to impose any consequences on them for reporting wrongdoing. Elements of our ethical whistleblowing policy are also found in the 'Respect and Dignity’ policy.

Employees have a total of four channels to report their ethical concerns:

  • relational helpline for reporting discrimination, bullying, harassment and other violations in employee relations, including violations of corporate values and behaviours;

  • KLAKSON application - an online form for reporting all the abovementioned incidents.

  • dedicated mailbox:;

  • ethical helpline for reporting (also anonymously) violations of laws, ethical principles, corruption, fraud, money laundering, failure to follow internal procedures, leaks of protected information, excessive risk taking, falsification of accounting records, financial fraud, disregard for control obligations or data manipulation;


The Santander Bank Polska S.A. Group has a „zero tolerance for corruption” approach. Anti-corruption is one of the elements of the „General Code of Conduct”.

The principles of anti-corruption are specified in our „Anti-Corruption Programme”, the application of which is in line with the Santander Group’s corporate governance principles for compliance, the „General Code of Conduct” and the regulations and local laws in force.

The programme includes anti-corruption provisions and guidelines on:

  • gifts and invitations presented to public officials,
  • gifts and invitations presented to staff,
  • relations with third parties,
  • application of additional control mechanisms,
  • channels for reporting violations.

In 2021, we updated our 'Anti-Corruption Programme’ adding more detail on the whistleblowing channels operating at Santander Bank Polska S.A..

In 2022, we did not record a single case of corruption and there were no legal proceedings regarding corrupt practices against the Bank or its employees.

For more information on prevention, including the training in ethics and anti-corruption, see our ESG Report.

Dialogue with stakeholders

The Bank engages all stakeholders both in the process of tailoring its products and services to the needs of customers and in the creation of the Bank’s strategy, adapting its activities to the needs of the changing market and building an engaging workplace. The stakeholder identification process is based on qualitative analysis, conducted, among other things, for the purpose of non-financial reporting and dialogue sessions which we have been holding since 2014, according to the AA10000SES standard. They allow us to update our stakeholder profile.

See more in
interactive map

Our company is listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, which is an important motivation for us to continuously improve our methods of communication with the business environment and society.

Our company’s shares are included in the following indices:

  • WIG20
  • WIG-Banks
  • WIG-ES

Our shareholding structure as at 31 December 2022

We foster relationships with investors and other capital market participants. For more information, see the bank’s Investor Relations service.

For more information on the bank’s approach to stakeholder relations, see our ESG Report

You can find the information about our ESG policies and key regulations in our ESG Report.