Unveiling of the new version of Finansiaki.pl

On March 25, 2019 a press conference was held in our Relationship Centre on the subject of economic education of children and the new version of the Finansiaki.pl website.

The meeting was hosted by Karolina Malinowska-Janiak, mother of three sons vitally interested in the idea of educating children about finance. A special guest was Dr Agata Trzcińska, an economic psychologist from the Warsaw University who co-authored the content of the website. During the press conference she spoke about the results of research carried out at the request of Santander Bank Polska.

Only 47% of children aged 5 to 14 to them about finance, saving money or planning purchases. More than one-third of all parents make at least one of the crucial mistakes identified by psychologists, e.g. pay children for doing household chores or for good grades at school. Dr Agata Trzcińska also emphasized how important financial education from the early age was for the future economic situation of adults.

In response to this social challenge, our bank launched a project called Finansiaki, as part of our #Responsible Banking agenda. Finansiaki is a website for parents and teachers who can find there attractive and effective methods of introducing children into the world of money, regardless of their age.

On the revamped and relaunched Finansiaki.pl website you can find a range of colourful, user-friendly teaching aids on the subject of personal finance management. You can sort the available materials depending on the user type (teacher, parent, child) and the age of the target audience. The content includes articles with advice for the parents and ready-to-use class scripts for teachers which can be displayed or printed out and used at school. Moreover, the teaching aids were prepare din conformance with the official curriculum of pre-school and primary school education.

In connection with the Finansiaki project, our bank has also launched a corporate volunteering program. Our employees visit kindergartens and schools (sometimes the ones to which their own children go) and using selected class scripts teach children about finance. Since the beginning of 2019, more than a dozen of volunteers conducted such classes attended by more than 300 children.