„POWERful in business” – development grants for women-run companies

Goal 4 - Quality eduaction
Goal 5 - Gender equality
Goal 8 - Decent work and economic growth
Goal 9 - Industry, innovation and infractructure
Goal 11 - Sustainable cities and communities
Goal 17 - Partnerships for the goals

Santander Bank Polska and the Polish Entrepreneurship Foundation are organising two competitions for female entrepreneurs and women planning to set up a business. The prizes to be won include cash prizes for development, as well as funding for the best business ideas.

PLN 11 000 for self-development and up to EUR 50 000 for a business idea

In a grant competition, women who are planning to expand or set up their own business can win 10 prizes worth PLN 11,000 each. The funds can be used for any purpose related to acquiring new competencies – such as training or postgraduate studies. All you need to do is submit a business plan with a description of your idea for a new investment or business start-up. A webinar entitled 'Business plan is not as scary as it sounds’, hosted by Monika Bezak from Mindloop, will be held on 7 September. It is intended to make it easier for women to apply for the competition, but above all to help them in developing their own business. To participate in the webinar, please register at santander.pl/mocnewbiznesie.

Additionally, female entrepreneurs with an interesting business idea can count on the support of investors. The four women who come up with the most interesting business proposals will benefit from business investments of up to the equivalent of EUR 50,000 each.

Our goal is to activate women and inspire them to act and develop. We know that raising capital is often a major problem. Our initiative encourages creativity and at the same time is an opportunity to obtain funds. Development activities are more and more appreciated by female entrepreneurs, we can see it from the turnout at meetings organised as part of the "POWERful in Business" program. We are very curious what ideas our female entrepreneurs have come up with.

Agnieszka Łatkowska

Manager for Commercialisation and Development, responsible for the programme on the part of the Polish Entrepreneurship Foundation

In the "POWERful in Business" programme, we want to support female entrepreneurs in Poland. Women in business have a lot to offer, they often just need to strengthen their sense of self-worth and confidence regarding their planned path. A report prepared by the Startup Poland foundation shows that there are still more companies founded by men, even though those founded by women are doing better in the market. Often one of the barriers holding back the realisation of dreams are financial considerations, therefore our programme is intended to be a motivational and financial incentive to bring plans to life.

Agnieszka Przybylska

responsible for the "POWERful in Business" program at Santander Bank Polska

Competitions can be entered until 30 September this year and the application form is available at https://www.santander.pl/mocnewbiznesie. You will also find there the rules of entry and the competition rules.

The website of the „Powerful in Business” program also includes information on an open series of workshops for women running or planning to start their own business. During the online meetings, female experts share their knowledge of tools as well as their experiences that are useful in developing a business. In the autumn, workshops on team management and how to protect your family from the risks of your business await participants. The series of educational events will conclude with a meeting entitled „Why you shouldn’t be afraid of change: there is no success without risk”, hosted by Dorota Wellman.

The partners of the 'POWERful in Business’ program are Her Impact and Forbes Woman.