Santander Bank Polska has released an emissions calculator for corporate clients

Goal 3 - Good health and well-being
Goal 4 - Quality eduaction
Goal 9 - Industry, innovation and infractructure
Goal 11 - Sustainable cities and communities
Goal 13 - Climate action

The free carbon footprint calculator for businesses (irrespective of the scale of operation) allows to estimate  CO2 emissions and generate a report. In addition, it also enables the user to identify ways to reduce the company’s carbon footprint.

According to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), large companies in the first instance and SMEs in subsequent years will be required to report on sustainability topics, including their climate impact and CO2 emissions. At the same time, pressure in the supply chain from major companies requiring their suppliers to measure their carbon footprint means that, in practice, also those who are not formally obliged to do so will need to measure their carbon footprint.

The Carbon Footprint Calculator provided by Santander Bank Polska is a tool intended for corporate clients regardless of the industry in which they operate and the size of their business. The calculator makes it possible to calculate CO2 emissions associated with the company’s activities in Scope 1, i.e. direct emissions resulting from the combustion of fuels in installations and vehicles, and in Scope 2, i.e. emissions resulting from the production of energy or heat that the company consumes. Once the emissions data are completed, a report estimating the company’s carbon footprint can be generated. Corporate clients who would like to use the calculator can contact their relationship manager at Santander Bank Polska.

Unlike large corporations and advanced enterprises, smaller and medium-sized companies often do not have sufficient human and financial resources to count their carbon footprint themselves. As a socially responsible bank, we have for years been supporting businesses in their green transformation and their journey towards zero carbon. Together with experts from the Climate Strategies Poland Foundation, we have prepared a tool that provides tangible support in these processes. Thanks to the free carbon footprint calculator, we will be able to help companies reduce emissions, operate in a more sustainable way and meet non-financial reporting requirements.

Lech Gałkowski

Member of the Management Board of Santander Bank Polska heading the Business and Corporate Banking Division

The calculator works in an intuitive way, and all that is required to use it is the preparation of the relevant data on the company’s activities (including energy sources and consumption). While entering the data, prompts and expert comments are displayed at each step. In addition, articles and videos have been prepared that explain step-by-step the topics of the company’s carbon footprint, emissions reduction and offsetting.

The calculation method used in the tool follows the GHG Protocol methodology – the world’s most recognised set of norms and standards used to measure greenhouse gas emissions. The carbon footprint estimate is based, among other things, on standard conversion factors provided by DEFRA (UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) and NIR (National Inventory Report), which are then converted into CO2 equivalent.

In introducing the new solution, the bank was supported by the Climate Strategies Poland Foundation. Its experts, together with a dedicated team inside the bank, will provide assistance to Santander Bank Polska’s corporate clients using the carbon calculator. The Climate Strategies Poland Foundation is a non-profit organisation that supports companies and cities on the road to climate neutrality. The foundation is involved in carbon footprint counting, decarbonisation strategies, climate education and the fight against greenwashing and climate misinformation.