Santander Bank Polska is the first in Poland to issue sustainable debt securities

Goal 3 - Good health and well-being
Goal 9 - Industry, innovation and infractructure
Goal 11 - Sustainable cities and communities
Goal 13 - Climate action
Goal 17 - Partnerships for the goals

Santander Bank Polska is issuing the first sustainable debt securities in Poland with a nominal value of PLN 750 million, where the funds raised from the issue will be used to finance Eligible Green Assets or Eligible Social Assets.  

Prior to the issue, Santander Bank Polska developed the Santander Bank Polska Sustainability Issuance Framework under which it may issue green, social and sustainable securities in the form of bonds or bank securities („Sustainability Issuance Framework”).

We have consistently pursued the objectives of Santander Bank Polska's Responsible Banking strategy. We were the first to issue subordinated green bonds in 2017 and we are now successfully launching an issue in the Polish market that allows us to allocate the proceeds to a much wider range of environmentally and socially sustainable purposes. While placing it, we have noticed an appetite among investors for such products, which gives us the potential to carry out more issues of this kind in the future

Paweł Kołodziński

Head of Corporate Development Office at Santander Bank Polska

The issue currently underway in accordance with the Sustainability Issue Principles is part of the consistent implementation of the objectives of Santander Bank Polska’s Responsible Banking strategy. The issue is sustainable, which means that the proceeds can be used to finance or refinance eligible green (environment-friendly) and social assets.

The Sustainability Bond Principles have been reviewed by Sustainalytics, a qualified, recognised independent review firm, for compliance with current market standards, The International Capital Market Association (ICMA) Guidelines for green issues (ICMA Green Bond Principles 2021), social issues (ICMA Social Bond Principles 2021) and sustainable issues (ICMA Sustainability Bond Guidelines (2021) and have received a positive opinion confirming compliance with these criteria to the extent required. The Sustainability Issue Framework and the opinion have been published on the Santander Bank Polska investor relations website.

The Sustainability Issue Framework sets out the criteria for selecting green assets (in such categories as renewable energy; energy efficiency; pollution prevention and control; clean transport; sustainable water and wastewater management; green buildings) and social assets (in the following categories: affordable essential infrastructure; access to essential services; affordable housing; employment generation including SME financing). In addition, they define how eligible assets will be selected and assessed, how proceeds from the issue will be managed, and how the bank will report on the allocation of proceeds from the issue.

Santander Bank Polska has already previously carried out a green bond issue of EUR 137 million (2017) successfully allocating the funds raised in this way to finance projects related to broadly understood energy efficiency (green buildings).