Santander Bank Polska publishes ESG Report 2023

Goal 3 - Good health and well-being
Goal 4 - Quality eduaction
Goal 5 - Gender equality
Goal 8 - Decent work and economic growth
Goal 9 - Industry, innovation and infractructure
Goal 11 - Sustainable cities and communities
Goal 13 - Climate action
Goal 17 - Partnerships for the goals

Santander Bank Polska has published its ESG Report for 2023. The report includes information on the bank’s environmental and social impact and addresses corporate governance issues. For the first time, the publication refers to the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS).

In the report, the bank presents its new strategy for the period 2024-2026. One of its pillars is the 'Total Responsibility’ direction which integrates the ESG area into the organisation’s business strategy in a sustainable way.

The key topics covered by the publication were identified by the bank using a dual materiality matrix. This approach responds to the requirements of the new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). For the first time, the materiality topics matrix was developed with reference to the ESRS standards. The report encompasses the entire Santander Bank Polska Group i.e. in addition to the bank, its subsidiaries are also included in the publication.

This is the eleventh edition of our ESG report. The disclosure once again demonstrates the Santander Bank Polska Group's commitment to sustainable development and the transparency of our activities. It is also another step towards more comprehensive and transparent reporting. I believe that our work, which we describe in this publication, contributes to building a more responsible financial sector and a better world for future generations.

Michał Gajewski

CEO of Santander Bank Polska

The report presents Santander Bank Polska Group’s activities in the context of the latest international guidelines and standards. These include the GRI Standards, the ESG reporting guidelines for companies listed on the WSE and the UNEP FI Principles. It is also in line with the European Commission’s guidelines for the disclosure of climate-related non-financial information and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, for the third time the report has included a climate analysis developed according to the recommendations of the TCFD initiative.

The Group’s key indicators have been independently certified by the auditor, PricewaterhouseCoopers Polska to ensure the credibility and reliability of the data disclosed in the publication.

Santander Bank Polska Group’s ESG 2023 Report is available online  at ( and in PDF format in both Polish and English language versions. The report website has been adapted  to the needs of blind and visually impaired persons. It is consistent with the international accessibility standard for people with individual needs (WCAG 2.1 at AA level) and has been certified by the Widzialni Foundation.