Santander Bank Polska ranked as market leader in CSR, Diversity & Inclusion and Digital Solutions by Euromoney

Goal 3 - Good health and well-being
Goal 4 - Quality eduaction
Goal 5 - Gender equality
Goal 8 - Decent work and economic growth
Goal 9 - Industry, innovation and infractructure
Goal 11 - Sustainable cities and communities
Goal 13 - Climate action
Goal 17 - Partnerships for the goals

The bank was recognised as a market leader in three categories, primarily as a reflection of its CRS and diversity and inclusion activities,  as well as digital products and services it offers to its customers.

Euromoney Market Leaders is a new ranking by Euromoney magazine. Using a vigorous methodology, Euromoney’s team of analysts build rankings across categories and by country, creating a global index of banking and finance leaders to provide a definitive guide to banks that matter. Banks are ranked in bands with one of up to three designations; namely, “Market Leader”, “Highly Regarded” or “Notable”.

European Green Deal and the related Sustainable Finance regulations require the finance industry to adjust its operations to environmental and social goals. Regardless of EU directives, each company and corporation should have it clear that profit alone is not enough. Equally important is whether it is made in a sustainable and responsible manner. At Santander Bank Polska, ESG has been long engrained in the business strategy. We are very satisfied to see how our actions and changes we drive, such as our commitment to stop – as of 2030 – financing energy companies that generate more than 10% of their revenues from the production of thermal coal bring tangible benefits to the environment and communities. I am all the more happy to see this approach has been recognised internationally.

Katarzyna Teter

manager of the Sustainability and ESG Team at Santander Bank Polska

A list of the bank’s CSR activities is presented in the ESG Report at esg.santander website.

Santander Bank Polska was also recognised among market leaders in Digital Solutions category for the solutions it offered its customers last year.

2022 was another year of intensive work on new digital solutions. We developed remote banking and payment solutions for all groups of our customers so that they can take care of their finances in an easier, more convenient and fully remote manner. We have upgraded our digital platform with new functionalities, including non-banking ones, such as non-bank formalities. The recognition from Euromoney experts and analysts confirms that our strategy oriented towards the development of digital banking is the right one. To follow on it, this year we are going to offer to customers of Santander Bank Polska new solutions to improve their digital experience.

Piotr Hibner

head of Santander Digital at Santander Bank Polska

In addition to the main award, the jury recognised also corporate banking of Santander Bank Polska and ranked it as “Highly Recognised”.

For a full Euromoney Market Leaders ranking please visit: