Santander Bank Polska receives Poilityka’s Golden CSR Leaf for the third time

Goal 3 - Good health and well-being
Goal 4 - Quality eduaction
Goal 5 - Gender equality
Goal 8 - Decent work and economic growth
Goal 9 - Industry, innovation and infractructure
Goal 11 - Sustainable cities and communities
Goal 13 - Climate action

Yet another year in a row, Santander Bank Polska has received the highest distinction in Polityka’s CSR Leaves ranking. The Golden Leaf is a distinction awarded to companies for which sustainable development is a critical element of strategic actions in business and stakeholder relations. The organisations distinguished in this way base their actions on the best local and global management practices and apply international standards.

The Bank was also among eight companies recognised in the special category „Companies for Ukraine and refugees”. Organisations that show initiative, commitment, employee volunteering, special services and in-kind assistance were acknowledged. Consideration was given to practices that are long-term rather than one-off.

Polityka’s CSR Leaves is a ranking prepared by the editors of the Polityka weekly in cooperation with the Deloitte consulting firm and the Responsible Business Forum. In 2023, the distinctions were awarded for the twelfth time to those organisations that comply with ESG regulatory requirements, implement best practices to protect the environment, support local communities and follow the principles of corporate governance.

In this year’s edition of the ranking, the organisers received 127 entries. Of these, as many as 105 companies received awards. Polityka’s CSR Golden Leaf went to 24 companies, the Silver Leaf to 35, and the White Leaf to 46. The ratings were awarded on the basis of an analysis based on a questionnaire completed by the companies, developed in accordance with the guidelines of the ISO 26000 Basic Principles of Social Responsibility standard and in relation to the European Sustainability Reporting Standards and the latest ESG trends. This means that more than 80 per cent of the companies that completed the survey are already taking tangible steps to gradually put their organisations on the path to sustainability.

This year, for the second time, the organisers awarded additional Poiltyka’s Green Leaves to companies that stand out for their efforts towards climate neutrality.

For more information, see the ranking website.