Santander Bank Polska the best bank for SMEs according to Euromoney magazine

Goal 8 - Decent work and economic growth
Goal 9 - Industry, innovation and infractructure
Goal 11 - Sustainable cities and communities

Santander Bank Polska has once again been awarded the title of the best bank in Poland for companies from the SME sector. The award was given by the jury of the international Euromoney Awards for Excellence competition, which for many years has recognised the best banking practices in the world.

This is the second consecutive year that Santander Bank Polska has received this title. The jury evaluates the proposal and initiatives that banks have offered their customers over the past 12 months. The solutions that Santander Bank Polska offers to small and medium-sized companies were considered the best in Poland.

We are extremely pleased with this award and we are committed to continue developing. We are proud that our consistent efforts for the benefit of our clients have been recognised for another year running. This prestigious award honours the work of our advisors and the cooperation of all the teams in our bank with whom we build SME solutions together. At Santander Bank Polska we love SMEs and in our daily work we always focus on the present and future needs of our customers. We create the best state-of-the-art solutions to help them in their daily business and in the implementation of their growth and transformation plans.

Magdalena Proga-Stępień

Head of Retail Banking Division and Management Board member of Santander Bank Polska

In its appraisal, the jury of the Euromoney Awards for Excellence took into account, among other things, new developments in the omnichannel Smart Loans process, including Business Express Loan for 96 months and Business Express Fixed Rate Loan in the online and mobile channels.

Another highlight was the provision of the BLIK service to sole traders, with free online and POS payment functions, ATM withdrawals or transfers to mobile numbers. The solution was particularly appreciated by entrepreneurs, who in just six months made more than 1.3 million BLIK transactions for the total amount exceeding PLN 600 million.

In addition to the product solutions implemented, the competition also recognised the educational activities that the bank addresses to SME customers, including programmes such as #aFIRMAcje or the „Green notion” campaign, in which the bank showed the benefits of sustainable transformation and provided knowledge on financing renewable energy sources.

Satisfaction with the bank’s products and services for SMEs was also reflected in the growing number of customers from this segment, up 9 per cent year-on-year at the end of 2023, as well as a 57 per cent year-on-year increase in mobile banking transactions for Q4 2023′.

In this year’s Euromoney Awards for Excellence, Santander Group was awarded in a total of 21 categories, including three regional categories: 'Best bank in Latin America in the Wealth Management category’, 'Best bank in Latin America in the Finance category’ and 'Best bank in Western Europe in the Corporate Responsibility category’. The title of best bank for SMEs was also awarded to the Santander Group banks in Spain and Chile for their activities over the past year.

For more than 30 years, Euromoney has been rewarding banks whose solutions and support offered to customers stand out from the competition. The Euromoney awards are considered to be among the most prestigious in the financial market. For more information please visit