Santander Bank Polska in RESPECT Index
Santander Bank Polska has been listed in the prestigious ranking of socially responsible companies known as the RESPECT Index which is published by the Warsaw Stock Exchange.
The main goal of the RESPECT Index is to promote the highest standards of responsible governance among Polish businesses listed on the WSE main market.
Santander Bank Polska (formerly Bank Zachodni WBK) has been evaluated positively and qualified for the index of socially responsible companies for the sixth time. All business organizations included in the index have to conduct their operations in strict conformance with the best practices and standards in the area of corporate governance, public disclosures and investor relationships and demonstrate strong commitment to environmental and social causes and respect for employee rights.

– The fact that Santander Bank Polska qualified once again for the prestigious RESPECT Index is a confirmation that responsible banking is a permanent element of the bank’s strategy and an important, and integral part of our day-to-day activities. We believe that mutual trust and respect is the foundation for the development of a successful and responsible business. The satisfaction of our customers with the products and service we offer is a source of stable and recurrent profits which in turn enhance the bank’s credibility in the eyes of our shareholders and make it possible to invest more money in the development of new products, services and technologies, in human resources and in the protection of natural environment. In this way, as a financial institution we actively support the development of the innovative national economy.
The current RESPECT Index is a continuation of a project initiated by the Warsaw Stock Exchange in 2009 as a result of which the first index of socially responsible companies in Central and Eastern Europe was launched. The composition of the RESPECT Index is updated annually on the basis of a survey conducted among all companies listed in the main floor of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. For more information go to