Santander Bank Polska with two awards in ‘The Best Annual Report’ competition

Goal 3 - Good health and well-being
Goal 4 - Quality eduaction
Goal 5 - Gender equality
Goal 8 - Decent work and economic growth
Goal 9 - Industry, innovation and infractructure
Goal 11 - Sustainable cities and communities
Goal 13 - Climate action
Goal 17 - Partnerships for the goals

Santander Bank Polska’s annual report won the ‘Best of the Best’ award in the banks and financial institutions category for the third time. The bank also received an award for the best statement of corporate governance principles. Financial reports are assessed in the competition in terms of their usefulness for shareholders and investors.

For several years now, Santander Bank Polska has been among the winners of the Best Annual Report competition. This is the result of the working model we have adopted, based on the highest reporting standards. This year, we have been awarded the prestigious ‘Best of the best’ award for the third time. We are delighted that we are firmly positioned as one of the best, and that our financial reporting, like many other areas of our bank's business, is regarded as a role model for other market participants.

Wojtek Skalski

Member of the Management Board responsible for the Accounting and Financial Control Division

‘The Best Annual Report’ competition is organised by the Institute of Accounting and Taxation. The jury evaluates 6 elements of the reports, including the corporate governance statement for which the bank has been awarded a distinction.

Corporate governance is an important part of the bank's strategy and our ESG activities. I am very pleased that this has once again been recognised by the market. The award is proof that we are setting corporate governance trends in the market.

Anna Kapica

Director of the Corporate Governance Department

About the competition

The idea behind the competition is to develop recognised standards for the preparation of annual reports under IFRS/IAS, in line with applicable formal requirements, international and national recommendations, good practice and market expectations. The aim of the competition is to promote the annual reports with the greatest value in use for shareholders and investors. The ‘Best Annual Report’ competition also aims to increase the security of the capital market in Poland and to shape good practices in the financial reporting of public companies.