We are a Digital Festival partner

Goal 4 - Quality eduaction
Goal 5 - Gender equality
Goal 8 - Decent work and economic growth
Goal 9 - Industry, innovation and infractructure
Goal 11 - Sustainable cities and communities
Goal 17 - Partnerships for the goals

Increasingly sophisticated and widespread online technologies have proved invaluable in times of pandemic. The rapid digitalization of everyday life made it clear how important digital competences are today. Their development among Poles is one of the key challenges to which the Digital Festival responds. The third edition of the event, the largest of its kind in Poland, will be held from October 1 to October 10 with the support of Santander Bank Polska.

Familiarity with the digital environment greatly facilitates functioning in the professional and private spheres. In the long run, digital competences will become a prerequisite for efficient functioning in everyday life and will be indispensable for the development of a modern society. One of the key challenges today is therefore proper digital education. According to the report „Technology in the service of society. Will Poles become Society 5.0?” which was prepared on the occasion of the event, almost 60% of Poles do not know what new digital skills they should learn.

Based on the example of our services, we see how easily our customers get used to modern electronic and mobile banking and how eagerly they use it. On the other hand, we see many people being overly cautious and uncertain about the digital world. We want to promote the development of digital competence, that is why we carry out projects related to education in this area on a daily basis, and that's why Santander Bank Polska got involved in the third edition of the Digital Festival

Piotr Hibner

Chief Digital Officer at Santander Bank Polska

Digital Festival is the largest educational and technological initiative in Poland, prepared by the Digital Poland Foundation. This year’s third edition will be held from 1 to 10 October under the headline „Digital is not revolution. It’s evolution!”. The main objective of the festival is to familiarize Poles with digital technologies, increasingly present in our everyday life. The program of the event is addressed both to people who want to overcome their fears and start a digital adventure, and to those who want to broaden their existing skills.

The starting point of the festival will be the identification of digital competences of Poles and the diagnosis of challenges in this area. The inauguration of the 3rd edition of the Digital Festival will include the publication of the report „Technology in the service of society. Will Poles be  5.0 Society” and a discussion panel devoted to it.

A number of events – not only online – have been planned for 10 festival days, which will explain the operation of new IT solutions, including 5G networks, and encourage to test them in practice. During the Innovation Night it will be possible to visit over 70 companies and institutions working with advanced technologies on a daily basis. SkillUp Academy, which is a platform with free trainings developing digital competencies, will allow to extend or gain skills necessary in the digital world. Santander Bank Polska is a partner of the 3rd Edition of the Festival and the patron of the My Shopping and Finance day, which is scheduled for 4 October, 2021. Together with the Digital Poland Foundation a guidebook Modern Senior was prepared, which is a guide to the digital world for older people.

Detailed information about the event can be found here.