We collected 4 tons of food

Santander Bank Polska’s employees for the third time collected food for Food Banks

The third national food collection for Food Banks took place during the Santander Week, in June 2018. As part of our partnership and support for Food Banks, our employees collected various foodstuffs which were distributed by the Banks to local charity institutions, including day care  facilities, night shelters, youth care centres, hospices, single-mothers’ shelters and foster families.

Thanks to generous contributions from all benefactors we were able to make a real impact on the lives of other people. As in the previous years, the campaign would not have been possible without the volunteers from our company.

Food collection in numbers:

3 933,8 kg of collected food

165 volunteers – employees of Santander Bank Polska

48 locations

13 local Food Banks

17 partner organizations coordinating the collection of food products

PLN 28,500 – estimated value of collected food