- About Santander
Bank Polska - Strategy
and Management - Customers
- Introduction
- Our priorities – Bank As You Want It
- Multichannel approach – anyway you like it
- Accessible to all – You can count on us
- Security first
- Excellent customer service
- Ethical communication – simple and friendly language
- Responsible selling and prevention of misselling
- Our approach to complaints
- Knowledge that pays off
- Products and initiatives for retail customers
- Products and initiatives for SME customers
- Products and initiatives for customers of the Business and Corporate Banking Division
- Corporate and investment banking
- Support to customers in financial difficulty
- Employees
- Social
Engagement - About
the report
Corporate and investment banking
This segment includes our largest corporate and institutional customers. Within global banking we are also providing services to corporations managed under the Corporate and Investment Banking structures of the Santander Group.
As at the end of 2017 we rendered services to 250 of the largest companies and groups representing all economic sectors in Poland.
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Information about key products, including new products launched during the reporting period
Information about key products, including new products launched during the reporting period
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Our comprehensive offer encompasses a wide range of products and services, including transactional banking, short-, mid- and long-term financing, guarantees, M&A solutions, liquidity management and custodian services.

Moreover, our organisational units working for this group of customers, namely the Corporate and Investment Banking Division, conducted the bank’s business on financial markets and provided specialist financial products, including treasury and capital market offers. By leveraging the opportunities from Santander Group’s global presence, we cooperated with Santander Group units in respect of the issue of bonds, selling of Polish bonds to foreign investors and trading in Latin American bonds in Poland.
Our ambition is to become the bank of choice for the largest corporate customers and to be recognised for its investment offering. All our corporate customers are served in accordance with our customer-centric approach. Our goal is to meet their specific needs and enhance their positive experience. To that end we regularly improve our offer in terms of product flexibility, digitalisation and diversification. We keep upgrading the professional competences of our staff by offering them special training programmes.
Key innovations and initiatives
SWIFT’s global payments innovation (SWIFT gpi)
SWIFT gpi ensures processing of cross-border payments close to real time and guarantees immediate execution of cross-border payments at an execution date set by the customer. By joining SWIFT gpi, Santander Bank Polska has gained access to Tracker, a new solution prepared by SWIFT. Tracker allows the customer to track the location of the payment and sends a confirmation about the transaction status. In addition, Tracker provides full visibility over the bank fees charged and FX rates applied by correspondent banks for payment conversion. This information is important for any customer who either orders a cross-border payment or is waiting for a cross-border payment to be paid. Having access to Tracker, we can deliver to our customers reliable information concerning the expected date of crediting the payment to the beneficiary’s account. By having access to information on transaction status, we can inform our customers why a payment was stopped by intermediary banks. For the bank, access to the information stored in Tracker means considerable reduction of costs incurred in the process of handling complaints related to cross-border payments.
Kantor Santander
As regards electronic banking services, we improved features of the Kantor Santander currency exchange platform, where by extending the platform’s operating hours we increased accessibility of the currency exchange service for our customers both in the online and mobile variants. The Kantor Santander platform was regarded as a best practice model at Santander Group level in terms of product range, marketing, CRM and IT, combining technological and analytical solutions.
New services in the area of investment products and derivatives
We developed new services in the area of investment products and derivatives, which will be gradually implemented over the next three years.
Implementation of MiFiD II and PRIIPs
We worked on the implementation of MiFiD II and PRIIPs ensuring even greater pre- and post-transactional and cost transparency and safety in transactions on derivatives offered in the OTC variant.
Transactional banking solutions
We have steadily expanded transactional banking solutions, particularly in the area of cash management through the implementation of the Host-to-Host service in a number of capital groups.