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About Santander Group

  • [102-45] Entities included in the consolidated financial statements Entities included in the consolidated financial statements

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Banco Santander S.A., the majority shareholder of the Santander Group, is a commercial bank founded 160 years ago, with a registered office in Santander and operational headquarters in Madrid. Banco Santander operates mainly in retail banking and is also active in the area of private banking, business and corporate banking, asset management and insurance.

The Santander Group currently focuses its business activities on 10 core markets, both developed and emerging:

  • It has a strong market position in Spain, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, the USA, Poland, Portugal and the UK.
  • It is also present in consumer finance markets in Europe (Germany, France, Italy, Poland and the Scandinavian countries).

In 2017, Banco Santander S.A. was the 12th largest bank in the world and the second1 largest in Europe.

1 According to the data published on the statistical portal as at 25 April 2017 (

usa 4%, brazylia 26%. meksyk 7%, chile 6%, argentyna 4%, portugalia 5%, hiszpania 15%, wielka brytania 16%, polska 3%, santander consumer finance 13%, inne kraje 1%
legenda 1 Main countries
legenda2 Santander Consumer Finance


Banco Santander in numbers1

  • >132 m


  • 13.7k


  • 202k


  • 1,444.3

    bn EUR
    total assets

  • 106.8

    bn EUR
    share capital

  • 6,619

    m EUR
    attributable profit

  • 88.4

    bn EUR
    market capitalisation

  • 985.7

    bn EUR
    customer funds

1Result obtained at 31.12.2017 r

Subsidiaries and Associates of Santander Bank Polska S.A.

Santander Bank Polska S.A. 1) 100% Santander Finanse Sp. z o.o. 100% Santander Factoring Sp. z o.o. 100% Santander Leasing S.A. 100% Santander F24 S.A. 100% Santander Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. 60% Santander Consumer Bank S.A. 100% Santander Consumer Finanse Sp. z o.o. 100% Santander Consumer Multirent Sp. z o.o. 50% PSA Finance Polska Sp. z o.o. 2) 0% S.C. Poland Consumer 15-1 Sp. z o.o. 3) 0% S.C. Poland Consumer 16-1 Sp. z o.o. 3) 100% PSA Consumer Finance Polska Sp. z o.o. 2) 50% Santander Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych S.A. 4) 50% POLFUND – Fundusz Poręczeń Kredytowych S.A. 49% Santander Aviva Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń na Życie S.A. 49% Santander Aviva Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń S.A. Legenda: % udział Santander Bank Polska S.A. w kapitale spółki - jednostki zależne (objęte konsolidacją z Santander Bank Polska S.A.) - jednostki stowarzyszone Santander Bank Polska S.A. 1) 100% Santander Finanse Sp. z o.o. 100% Santander Factoring Sp. z o.o. 100% Santander Leasing S.A. 100% Santander F24 S.A. 100% Santander Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. 60% Santander Consumer Bank S.A. 100% Santander Consumer Finanse Sp. z o.o. 100% Santander Consumer Multirent Sp. z o.o. 50% PSA Finance Polska Sp. z o.o. 2) 0% S.C. Poland Consumer 15-1 Sp. z o.o. 3) 0% S.C. Poland Consumer 16-1 Sp. z o.o. 3) 100% PSA Consumer Finance Polska Sp. z o.o. 2) 50% Santander Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych S.A. 4) 50% POLFUND – Fundusz Poręczeń Kredytowych S.A. 49% Santander Aviva Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń na Życie S.A. 49% Santander Aviva Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń S.A. Legenda: % udział Santander Bank Polska S.A. w kapitale spółki - jednostki zależne (objęte konsolidacją z Santander Bank Polska S.A.) - jednostki stowarzyszone

1) On 7 September 2018, pursuant to the resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. (BZ WBK S.A.) of 16 May 2018, BZ WBK S.A. changed its name to Santander Bank Polska S.A. All the Bank’s subsidiaries and associates were renamed accordingly.
2)  As of 1 October 2016, Santander Consumer Bank S.A. (SCB S.A.) holds 50% of shares in PSA Finance Polska sp. z o.o. and indirectly 50% of shares in PSA Consumer Finance Polska sp. z o.o. Both companies are controlled by SCB S.A. as they meet the conditions set out in IFRS 10.7.
3) SC Poland Consumer 15-1 and S.C. Poland Consumer 16-1 are SPVs set up for the purpose of securitisation of part of SCB credit portfolio. Their shareholder is a legal person that has no ties with the Group. The companies are controlled by SCB as they meet the conditions set out in IFRS 10.7.
4) The co-owners of Santander Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych S.A. (Santander TFI S.A.) i.e. Santader Bank Polska S.A. and Banco Santander S.A.  are members of the Santander Group and hold equal 50% stakes in the company’s share capital. Santander Bank Polska S.A. exercises control over Santander TFI S.A..