- About Santander
Bank Polska - Strategy
and Management - Customers
- Introduction
- Our priorities – Bank As You Want It
- Multichannel approach – anyway you like it
- Accessible to all – You can count on us
- Security first
- Excellent customer service
- Ethical communication – simple and friendly language
- Responsible selling and prevention of misselling
- Our approach to complaints
- Knowledge that pays off
- Products and initiatives for retail customers
- Products and initiatives for SME customers
- Products and initiatives for customers of the Business and Corporate Banking Division
- Corporate and investment banking
- Support to customers in financial difficulty
- Employees
- Social
Engagement - About
the report
Ethical communication – simple and friendly language
[103-1, 103-2 and 103-3]
for the Aspect: Ethical marketing communication and accurate and easy to understand information about products and services for customers; Conformance with the regulations
for the Aspect: Ethical marketing communication and accurate and easy to understand information about products and services for customers; Conformance with the regulations
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Being a multichannel bank, we have a number of different ways of communicating with our customers. There are numerous standards and procedures we are required to comply with, and customer communication is the subject of many training courses organised for our employees. We ensure that our documents are written in a user-friendly and concise manner, so that our customers have no problems understanding and using them.
In 2017, we worked out the concept of a module construction of agreements, which is based on:
- standardisation of agreements, irrespective of the customer or product;
- easy to understand and simple presentation of the terms and conditions of an agreement (we consulted our agreements with a language advice centre under the “Simply in Polish” initiative);
- a concise and transparent form of documents which facilitates fast navigation.
We produced agreements together with customers
Following the aforementioned rules, we produced agreements for cash loans, accounts, payments cards and electronic banking, and then tested them in focus groups. The group participants compared our documents with the agreements of our competitors, namely mBank and ING. Each tested agreement was reviewed by two focus groups.
To ensure the widest possible view, respondents came from cities with a population exceeding 500k and smaller towns with population below 75k, and were differentiated in terms of gender, age and material status.

Our agreement was assessed highly. The participants appreciated, in particular:
- document form, which enables quick review of all the elements of the agreement,
- conciseness,
- user-friendly form,
- simple language,
- placing key information in a table.
These focus group interviews allowed us to learn the respondents’ valuable opinions concerning the agreement provisions, both the attractive ones, and the less trusted ones. The respondents’ comments were consulted with various units in our bank. We followed the suggestions of the respondents; for example, after the first round of interviews the bank’s helpline number was added to the printout. In the next edition, the tested material of Santander Bank Polska, according to the majority of respondents, was close to being perfect.
In 2018, based on the outcome of the focus group interviews, we will attempt to simplify the provisions in all the agreements applied in the bank, as expected by our customers.
Committed to the provision of ethical advertising communication, we have developed:

“Guidelines on developing the rules of promotions, communicating and advertising promotions in Santander Bank Polska.” The aim of this document is to ensure that promotion rules and promotion and advertising materials distributed by our bank are compliant with laws and regulatory guidelines as well as good market practices.

We have developed communication and advertising guidelines for our products. Separate documents ethical communication and advertising have been produced and effectively implemented for: payment cards, accounts, deposits, mortgage and consumer loans, SMESmall and Medium Size EnterprisesSmall and Medium Size Enterprises loans, insurance services, retail investment products.