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Our approach to complaints

The complaint handling process at Santander Bank Polska satisfies regulatory requirements and is continuously improved to increase effectiveness and customer satisfaction on every stage of the process – from the way complaints are received to the completion of the process and communicating the outcome to the customer.

We also test customer satisfaction after completion of the complaint handling process.

  • 70%

    of complaints are handled in favour of the customer

  • 40%

    of these customers would recommend our bank to others

  • 70%

    of all complaints are resolved within 3 business days

Customers may submit a complaint via multiple channels:

  • Electronically (online or mobile banking)

    • Santander online,
    • Video call or chat for the deaf/PJM,
    • Skype.
  • Over the phone

    • dedicated helpline (available also abroad).
  • Personally

    • in any bank branch or partner outlet. The complaint can be submitted orally or in writing.
  • By mail

    • the complaint can be posted to the address of the bank’s head office in Poznań.

In 2017, we took measures to shorten and simplify the complaint handling process:

Simple complaints, which do not require a complex analysis, are resolved following the so-called fast track. Thanks to the support of robots, these types of complaints can be closed in 1 business day, e.g. complaints concerning ATM transactions. The customer receives the bank’s decision on reimbursement straightaway via the helpline (in specific cases) when submitting the complaint, or in the form of a text message via electronic banking. 95% of the customers who receive text message replies are satisfied with this method of communication.

We simplified the complaint forms in accordance with the outcomes of customer usability research.

We added complaint forms to the Santander mobile application.