- About Santander
Bank Polska - Strategy
and Management - Customers
- Introduction
- Our priorities – Bank As You Want It
- Multichannel approach – anyway you like it
- Accessible to all – You can count on us
- Security first
- Excellent customer service
- Ethical communication – simple and friendly language
- Responsible selling and prevention of misselling
- Our approach to complaints
- Knowledge that pays off
- Products and initiatives for retail customers
- Products and initiatives for SME customers
- Products and initiatives for customers of the Business and Corporate Banking Division
- Corporate and investment banking
- Support to customers in financial difficulty
- Employees
- Social
Engagement - About
the report
Our priorities – Bank As You Want It
The bank’s fundamental element of the strategy and business model is customer-centricity, an approach, whereby each initiative and banking process is analysed from the customer’s viewpoint, with a focus on the customer’s needs.

”Building trust and long-term relationships based on dialogue, customised products and services and responsible sales”
We are committed to building lasting partnerships with customers
We win our customer’s trust by offering innovative and top-quality solutions that meet the expectations of various customer groups
We provide comprehensive services to our customers in traditional sales channels and via remote channels
Being part of the international Santander Group and having access to its solutions and know-how allows us to offer out customer many more benefits
Customer-oriented transformation
We know that our customers expect specific solutions, and therefore, we are continuously seeking ways to provide them with the highest quality services and to operate efficiently to deliver real benefits.
One of our key strategic programmes initiated in 2017 was the transformation of the bank, the main objective of which is to address the expectations of the customers.
The main goals of the transformation include:

Business transformation
covers the area of Retail, SMESmall and Medium Size EnterprisesSmall and Medium Size Enterprises and Business and Corporate Banking; focusing on building positive customer experience, simplifying products, optimising processes and pricing policies and the new distribution strategy.
In 2017, we worked out a new customer segmentation and a new branch model for Retail Banking, which will be implemented throughout 2018. We modified the distribution model for larger entities from the SMESmall and Medium Size EnterprisesSmall and Medium Size Enterprises segment and introduced a number of improvements in the credit process, both for SMESmall and Medium Size EnterprisesSmall and Medium Size Enterprises and for corporate customers.

Digital transformation
the programme covers the initiatives taken to improve customer service, develop end-to-end solutions and make them available to customers in all channels anytime and anywhere. We want to accomplish these objectives by streamlining the processes to suit customers’ needs, introducing remote solutions for new products, extending the scope of after-sales services and developing new tools for customer advisors. Our priorities include:
- digitalisation of processes;
- development of online, mobile and telephone banking;
- CRMCustomer Relationship ManagementCustomer Relationship Management development programme using Business Intelligence tools;
- development of iBiznes24 platform;
- development of insurance (4Sure).

Agile transformation
this is our response to the requirements to constantly adjust to the rapidly changing market environment and customer expectations. In 2017, we started the implementation of a new working model based on the so-called agile cooperation methods. The Agile Model involves working in small cross-functional teams in close cooperation with the customer, that are capable of delivering new solutions fast and effectively. The new model is expected to expedite the time-to-market, facilitate the search for and testing of new innovative solutions, and increase customer satisfaction.
Account As I Want It
The Account As I Want It, an innovative and pioneering personal account model in the Polish market, was developed as a result of extensive consultations with customers, and observations of their expectations and needs.
- We have broken with a traditional approach, where the customer received a ready-to-use personal account, in favour of a flexible offer suited to the customer’s needs and preferences.
- The “Account As I Want It” option can be used by both new and current customers of our bank – we value their loyalty and want to offer them the most advanced personal banking solutions.
What are the practical benefits of the Account As I Want It:
A range of options that may be freely modified by customers according to their needs add to the competitive edge of this product.
The account is operated free-of-charge and provides free online transfers.
Customers can choose the amount of a card fee and decide how to pay it.
Customers may open or switch to this new account (without changing their account number) at a branch office, via online banking or over the phone.
A total of 335,000 Accounts As I Want It were opened between 21 August and end of December 2017.
In 2017, the Account As I Want It was voted the best and the most customer friendly personal account in the rankings published by gazeta.pl and Comperia.pl, respectively.