- About Santander
Bank Polska - Strategy
and Management - Customers
- Introduction
- Our priorities – Bank As You Want It
- Multichannel approach – anyway you like it
- Accessible to all – You can count on us
- Security first
- Excellent customer service
- Ethical communication – simple and friendly language
- Responsible selling and prevention of misselling
- Our approach to complaints
- Knowledge that pays off
- Products and initiatives for retail customers
- Products and initiatives for SME customers
- Products and initiatives for customers of the Business and Corporate Banking Division
- Corporate and investment banking
- Support to customers in financial difficulty
- Employees
- Social
Engagement - About
the report
Our priorities
[103-1, GRI 103-2 and GRI 103-3]
for reporting Aspects: Diversity and equal opportunities at workplace; Employment and job security; Employee education and training; Benefits for the employees and their families; Health and safety in the workplace
for reporting Aspects: Diversity and equal opportunities at workplace; Employment and job security; Employee education and training; Benefits for the employees and their families; Health and safety in the workplace
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Employee-oriented practices make Santander Bank Polska a good workplace and contribute to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. One of the objectives of our strategy for 2018-2020 is to become the best employer in the country.
UN Sustainable Development Goals 2015-2030, which we are particularly committed to as regards relations with our employees
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning.
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
The bank’s values and business strategy clearly indicate our objectives in the workplace:
- We want to create a work environment supporting employee commitment.
- We build our corporate culture based on 3 values: ‘Simple, Personal, Fair’.
- We are committed to cooperation, dialogue and bottom-up initiatives, with respect for diversity and the natural environment.
Our employees are our motivation – their satisfaction with their workplace, development of competences and involvement in strategy implementation. It is for them and with them that we create inspiring, tolerant and sustainable work environment, where everyone can develop, and thus promote the company’s values.
We have built a distinctive corporate culture and we continuously improve it. In 2017, we continued the cultural transformation which is an essential prerequisite for the successful transformation of the bank.
The aim of the cultural transformation planned to be completed by 2020 is to ensure a friendly work environment and to enhance employee experience based on:
- the implementation of a corporate culture that promotes ‘Simple, Personal, Fair’ values and behaviours,
- a clear and competitive remuneration policy which rewards employee knowledge, experience, competence and behaviours,
- effective incentive schemes and additional benefits,
- the successful delivery of HR commitments, including personnel and payroll services, financial obligations towards staff and regulators,
- the development of employee relationships through effective intervention and analysis of circumstances, preventive actions and education aimed at promoting ethical behaviours across the organisation,
- employer branding initiatives including Employer Value Proposition that is consistent with the perception of the bank by existing employees,
- effective recruitment models and induction programmes aimed at different employee groups,
- the development of managers and specialists on the basis of development models, career paths, etc.,
- ensuring the continuity of knowledge and talent management by designing succession plans and delivering development plans,
- contribution to the development of a customer-centric approach.
Our rules of conduct
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Our corporate culture is consistent with the business strategy, reinforcing employees’ engagement and motivation, and it is based on values laid down in the bank’s General Code of Conduct.
Ethical values promoted by the Group’s General Code of Conduct
Equal opportunities
Work-life balance
Health and safety at work
Environmental protection and social responsibility
Collective rights
Standard behaviours promoted in the bank:
Cooperate actively
Support others
Speak openly
Listen attentively
Show respect
Keep promises
Be part of change
Work with passion
In the previous years we carried out intensive activities promoting the above-mentioned standard behaviours among our employees. We organised workshops, competitions, appointed ambassadors who promoted our values, we regularly posted information and short videos on the internet and the bank’s social media accounts.
Growing employee engagement
Evaluation of the management approach
Evaluation of the management approach
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Each year we carry out an employee engagement survey, which helps us identify improvement areas that are important to our employees.
Results of the 2017 Employee Engagement Survey:
respondents have a positive assessment of leaders
respondents trust their superiors
respondents claim that they “receive clear and regular feedback on their performance”
In order to increase employee engagement and strengthen the corporate culture, the bank launched the StarMeUp platform whereby employees of all units can express recognition for their colleagues for behaviours and attitudes conforming to the bank’s values. This tool can also be used by our employees to thank their colleagues for a job that was done in collaboration.
Each employee receives every month a number of votes (‘stars’) and can award them to his/her colleagues, justifying which of their behaviours/ attitudes deserve a reward. The most recognised employees were invited to meetings with the President or members of the Management Board. By May 2018, one million stars were awarded across the Santander Group!

Plans for 2018
- Preparing the branch network employees for the transformation related to a new approach to customer service – managing customer experience.
- Preparing our employees to project management according to the new Agile methodology.
- Preparing employees from the SME segment to a new operating rhythm.
- Focusing senior management development activities (e.g. Solaruco, Faro and PRomotorio projects) on providing knowledge about current trends in the business, leadership and process management, development and reinforcement of desirable leadership styles, stimulating employee commitment, promoting self-learning and cutting-edge development strategies.
- Intensification of managerial staff development activities to prepare employees for the transformation of the bank.
- Supporting the development of leadership competences through programs like Leaders for Employees for all managers.
- Implementation of the Agile methodology as a way of work and mutual collaboration within a framework of the organizational culture which fosters interactions between people, giving and receiving feedback, focusing on customer needs and working towards common goals.