- About Santander
Bank Polska - Strategy
and Management - Customers
- Introduction
- Our priorities – Bank As You Want It
- Multichannel approach – anyway you like it
- Accessible to all – You can count on us
- Security first
- Excellent customer service
- Ethical communication – simple and friendly language
- Responsible selling and prevention of misselling
- Our approach to complaints
- Knowledge that pays off
- Products and initiatives for retail customers
- Products and initiatives for SME customers
- Products and initiatives for customers of the Business and Corporate Banking Division
- Corporate and investment banking
- Support to customers in financial difficulty
- Employees
- Social
Engagement - About
the report
Santander Bank Polska
Name of organization
Name of organization
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Location of operations
Location of operations
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Bank As You Want It
Values of Santander Bank Polska
Our offering is tailored to the needs and expectations of customers and based on easy-to-understand and simple products and services.
We build long-lasting relationships with our customers. We provide products and services tailored to individual needs and expectations.
Our employees treat others the way they would like to be treated themselves. The banking business is conducted in a transparent and compliant manner.
Activities, brands, products and services.
Activities, brands, products and services.
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Markets served
Markets served
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Scale of the organization
Scale of the organization
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We are one of the biggest and most innovative financial institutions in Poland, providing banking services to retail customers, SMEs and large corporations and institutions.
We are proud of the trust that has been given to us by nearly 4.5m customers. This motivates us to focus on identifying customer needs and offer solutions fully tailored to their individual requirements.
We offer our customers a “Bank As You Want It” – our priority and our promise.
[Custom indicator]
Number of customers using mobile and internet banking services
Number of customers using mobile and internet banking services
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[Custom indicator 6 ]
Number of brand touchpoints in Poland, including branches broken down into outlets run directly by the bank and partner outlets.
Number of brand touchpoints in Poland, including branches broken down into outlets run directly by the bank and partner outlets.
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Our bank in 20171
bank branches
partner outlets
Business and Corporate Banking Centres
4.41 m
retail and business customers
3.39 m
registered internet and mobile banking users
ATMs and CDMs (including dual-function machines)
bn PLN
gross profit
For the 6th consecutive time included in the prestigious group of socially responsible companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange under the RESPECT IndexIndex of socially responsible companies listed on WSEIndex of socially responsible companies listed on WSE
strategic directions of the bank’s corporate social responsibility activities correspond, in particular, with 8 global Sustainable Development Goals 2015-2030 set by the United Nations Organisation.
of our employees2 are familiar with the strategic objectives of Santander Bank Polska Group and have a perfect understanding what it means to be a bank which is ‘Simple, Personal, Fair’.
1As at 31 December, 2017
2A result obtained in a survey assessing the commitment of the employees of Santander Bank Polska S.A. Capital Group conducted in 2017. A total of 89% of the Group’s employees were surveyed.
8 UN Sustainable Development Goals 2015-2030 having strongest links to the bank’s activities
Santander Bank Polska provides a complex offering, that responds to the various customer needs for personal accounts, loans, savings and investment products, settlement and insurance products and payment cards.
Financial services offered by Santander Bank Polska include cash management, foreign transactions and trade services, capital market operations, money market, FX and derivative transactions, as well as brokerage services and asset management.
Additionally, our customers have access to products offered by other companies associated with the Santander Group, including investment fund units/certificates, asset portfolios, as well as insurance, leasing and factoring products.
Ownership and legal form
Ownership and legal form
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The majority shareholder of Santander Bank Polska is Banco Santander S.A.
Shareholding and total number of votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders as at 31 December 2017:
Data table:
Banco Santander S.A. | Other | |
Shareholding and total number of votes | 69.34% | 30.66% |
The shares of Santander Bank Polska are listed in several stock market indices, including WIG-Banks (industry index), WIG20 (index of Polish blue-chip companies) and RESPECT.
We are proud to be one of the 28 companies listed on the Stock Exchange, which belong to the Respect IndexIndex of socially responsible companies listed on WSEIndex of socially responsible companies listed on WSE. The RESPECT Index Index of socially responsible companies listed on WSEIndex of socially responsible companies listed on WSEincludes only companies which in their business operations take into account such factors as environmental and social impact and employee relationships, follow the rules of corporate governance and maintain good relationships with stakeholdersParties which have influence on the organisation or under the organisation’s influenceParties which have influence on the organisation or under the organisation’s influence and investors. In 2017, we qualified for the index for the sixth time.

Location of headquarters
Location of headquarters
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The structure of Santander Bank Polska is divided into four Business Support Centres located in Warsaw, Poznań, Lublin and Wrocław. The bank’s registered seat is in Warsaw.
The detailed structure of the Group, to which Santander Bank Polska belongs is described on pages 15 – 16 in the Management Board Report on Santander Bank Polska S.A. Group Performance in 2017.
On September 7, 2018 Bank Zachodni WBK changed its name to Santander Bank Polska