- About Santander
Bank Polska - Strategy
and Management - Customers
- Introduction
- Our priorities – Bank As You Want It
- Multichannel approach – anyway you like it
- Accessible to all – You can count on us
- Security first
- Excellent customer service
- Ethical communication – simple and friendly language
- Responsible selling and prevention of misselling
- Our approach to complaints
- Knowledge that pays off
- Products and initiatives for retail customers
- Products and initiatives for SME customers
- Products and initiatives for customers of the Business and Corporate Banking Division
- Corporate and investment banking
- Support to customers in financial difficulty
- Employees
- Social
Engagement - About
the report
Social and economic impact of Santander Bank Polska
Direct economic value generated and distributed
Direct economic value generated and distributed
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for the Aspect: „Ethics and Counteracting Corruption”
for the Aspect: „Ethics and Counteracting Corruption”
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We wish to initiate activities that bring us all closer to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. We listen carefully to the needs and opinions of our social and business partners, who expect us to manage the business effectively and engage in market, social and educational, projects, and ongoing issues important for the community.
We regularly analyse our activities in terms of their impact on the environment. Below we present a three-year summary of the data identified by our stakeholdersParties which have influence on the organisation or under the organisation’s influenceParties which have influence on the organisation or under the organisation’s influence, during the first dialogue session held in 2014, as the most significant from the point of view of the bank’s impact on different groups in our environment.

Direct economic value generated and distributed
Direct economic value generated and distributed
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Scale of the organisation
Scale of the organisation
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[Custom indicator 6]
Number of the bank’s touchpoints in Poland, including branches broken down into bank branches and partner outlets
Number of the bank’s touchpoints in Poland, including branches broken down into bank branches and partner outlets
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Customers/ Investors
Data in tables:
Customers/ Investors | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 |
Number of touchpoints (ATMs, CDMs, bank branches and partner outlets) | 2,544 | 2,546 | 2,429 |
Number of customers (in m) | 4.3 | 4.4 | over 4.4 |
Number of participants of the Entrepreneurs’ Academy | 5,500 | 2,400 | 550 |
Number of users of the Bank of Ideas portal | 9,650 | 10,764 | 12,032 |
Payments to investors (in PLN k) | 1,290,049 | 535,866 | 307,627 |
Data in tables:
2015 r. | 2016 r. | 2017 r. | |
Dane w tys. zł | |||
Net Profit | 1 756 210 | 2 081 720 | 1 916 156 |
Balance sheet total | 125 477 589 | 131 417 988 | 132 863 268 |
Liabilities | 106 768 460 | 112 388 468 | 112 024 431 |
Equity | 18 709 129 | 19 029 520 | 20 838 837 |
Average hours of training per year per employee by employee category
Average hours of training per year per employee by employee category
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Direct economic value generated and distributed
Direct economic value generated and distributed
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Range of ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage
Range of ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage
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Data in tables:
Employees | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 |
Number of training hours per employee per year | 37 | 41.4 | 63 |
Average salary of a female/ male employee compared to minimum wage | 190%/ 194% | 176%/ 178% | 125%/ 119% |
Number of employees engaged in volunteer work | 487 | 660 | 580 |
Cost of social benefits (in PLN k) | 30,055 | 28,431 | 30,252 |
Cost of training (in PLN k) | 16,428 | 15,163 | 14,170 |
[Custom indicator 20]
Total amount allocated for community activities per year
Total amount allocated for community activities per year
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[Custom indicator 11]
Number of bran branches with a Barrier-Free Service Certificate
Number of bran branches with a Barrier-Free Service Certificate
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Social environment
Data in tables:
Social environment | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 |
Number of branches with Barrier-Free Service Certificates | 149 | 153 | 167 |
Number of universities in the Santander Universidades programme | 60 | 55 | 57 |
Community investments (in PLN k) | 21,229 | 14,549 | 12,456 |

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Membership of associations and organisations
Membership of associations and organisations
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We are an active member of several organisations and initiatives:
Our membership in associations and organisations:
Polish Bank Association (ZBP)
Responsible Business Forum (FOBResponsible Business ForumResponsible Business Forum)
Together for the Environment Partnership founded by UNEP/GRID
Ethical Standard in Poland Global Compact Partnership Programme
Partnership for Road Safety
As part of our cooperation with the Polish Bank Association in 2017, we took part in the work of:
- Property Financing Committee
- LEADER Working Group
- Financial Service Quality Committee
- Banking Law Council
- Infrastructure and Communication Financing
- Working Group
- Consumer Credit Committee
- European Funds Working Group, and
- Qualification Standards Committee
On April 21, 2017 Michał Gajewski, the bank’s CEO, was elected a Board Member of the Polish Bank Association. The Board oversees the activities of PBA on an ongoing basis.
- We are a strategic partner of the Responsible Business Forum
- We have joined the Partnership for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Externally developed economic, environmental and social charters, principles or other initiatives to which the organisation subscribes or which it endorses
Externally developed economic, environmental and social charters, principles or other initiatives to which the organisation subscribes or which it endorses
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The bank is also a signatory of:
- Diversity Charter
- Declaration of Polish Businesses for Sustainable Development, as part of the project called the Vision of Sustainable Development of Polish Businesses until 2050
- Best Banking Practices
- Code of Best Practice of the Financial Market
- An international initiative, Equator PrinciplesInternational project on social and environmental risks with the participation of financial institutionsInternational project on social and environmental risks with the participation of financial institutions as part of the Santander Group