- About Santander
Bank Polska - Strategy
and Management - Customers
- Introduction
- Our priorities – Bank As You Want It
- Multichannel approach – anyway you like it
- Accessible to all – You can count on us
- Security first
- Excellent customer service
- Ethical communication – simple and friendly language
- Responsible selling and prevention of misselling
- Our approach to complaints
- Knowledge that pays off
- Products and initiatives for retail customers
- Products and initiatives for SME customers
- Products and initiatives for customers of the Business and Corporate Banking Division
- Corporate and investment banking
- Support to customers in financial difficulty
- Employees
- Social
Engagement - About
the report
Key impacts, risks, and opportunities
Key impacts, risks, and opportunities
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Organisation’s values, code of conduct, principles, standards, and norms of behaviour
Organisation’s values, code of conduct, principles, standards, and norms of behaviour
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Mechanisms for seeking advice on ethical and lawful behaviour, and matters related to organizational integrity
Mechanisms for seeking advice on ethical and lawful behaviour, and matters related to organizational integrity
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[103-1, 103-2 and 103-3]
for reporting Aspect: Anti-corruption; The role of values and ethics in the organisational culture, including building of responsible employee attitudes; Responsible selling and counteracting misselling
for reporting Aspect: Anti-corruption; The role of values and ethics in the organisational culture, including building of responsible employee attitudes; Responsible selling and counteracting misselling
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[Custom indicator 15]
List of key activities and initiatives implemented in the bank during the year to raise the employees' awareness of business ethics and the bank's organizational culture
List of key activities and initiatives implemented in the bank during the year to raise the employees' awareness of business ethics and the bank's organizational culture
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We are guided by ethical values in every area of our operations, and we have zero tolerance for any deviations in this respect. Ethics is incorporated into our corporate values. By following these ethical principles, we conduct business in a transparent manner, showing respect for the law and internal regulations.
Organisation’s values, code of conduct, principles, standards, and norms of behaviour
Organisation’s values, code of conduct, principles, standards, and norms of behaviour
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The bank is committed to maintaining high ethical standards in its relationships with the shareholders, customers and employees. Integrity, reliability and honesty are fundamental elements of the bank’s everyday operations.
The Group’s General Code of Conduct establishes the basic ethical standards and promotes attitudes and behaviour consistent with our values. It provides a set of guidelines for all employees, irrespective of their role in the organisation.

Foundations of our Code:
- Equal opportunities for all.
- Respect for others.
- Work-life balance.
- Health and safety at work.
- Protection of the environment and social responsibility.
- Collective rights.

Attitudes promoted among employees:
- Compliance with law, external and internal regulations, ethics and social responsibility principles.
- No competition.
- Responsibility (professionalism).
- Engagement (acting in the bank’s best interest).
Key impacts, risks, and opportunities
Key impacts, risks, and opportunities
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We have identified the following risks in the area of ethics and value management:
Reputational risk
Reputational risk related to the dissemination of information on behaviours proving the infringement of ethical standards and potential lawsuits in this regard,
The risk of worsening social relationships
The risk of worsening social relationships, climate and cooperation within the organisation, which leads to lower work performance and poorer achievement of objectives,
Financial risk
Financial risk related to the payment of compensations to victims of unethical conduct.
To avoid such situations we act preventively by promoting ethical standards among employees, and when an alarming situation is reported, we react rapidly.

Our activities are regulated by a number of domestic and EU guidelines, which ensure the safety of customer funds and stability of the banking system. The bank has an efficient ethical infrastructure founded upon the General Code of Conduct. It lays down ethical standards applied across the Group, covering specific situations.
The Code is supplemented by a number of additional regulations which set forth precise rules to be followed in respective areas, such as:
- Code of Conduct in Securities Markets,
- General Conflict of Interest Policy,
- Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Policy,
- Personal Data Protection Policy,
- Anti-Corruption Programme,
- Corporate Defence Model (to prevent the risk of penal liability for offences committed by the bank’s employees),
- Compliance Policy of Santander Bank Polska – adopted in 2017. The policy defines the general compliance principles, including the distribution of tasks between the units engaged in this process.
- A Reputational Risk Management Policy was also introduced in 2017. The Policy describes the risk management and control rules, specific key elements, principles and processes, assigned roles and duties, and defines internal control.
[Custom indicator 15]
List of key actions and measures implemented in the bank during the year to enhance the employees’ knowledge about business ethics and the bank’s organisational culture
List of key actions and measures implemented in the bank during the year to enhance the employees’ knowledge about business ethics and the bank’s organisational culture
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Campaign reinforcing awareness of ethical standards
In 2017, the bank carried out a wide-scale communication campaign via the corporate Intranet, addressed to all its employees. The campaign recalled the ethical values and the communication channels to be used for reporting cases of breaching ethical standards or other concerns. We used banners, short films and educational memes.
Our constant objective is to reinforce ethical standards among our employees and further develop a culture of ethical and responsible conduct of all the people employed in the bank in line with the corporate values: ‘Simple, Personal, Fair’.

Mechanisms for seeking advice on ethical and lawful behaviour, and matters related to organizational integrity
Mechanisms for seeking advice on ethical and lawful behaviour, and matters related to organizational integrity
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Reporting irregularities
We are continuously improving and consistently promoting the policy of an open dialogue with employees, which provides them with the opportunity to report any breaches of the General Code of Conduct, encouraging them, at the same time, to share their observations and concerns.
Special communication channels whereby employees can report any irregularities and concerns:

a dedicated e-mail inbox

two helplines: one dedicated to ethical issues, and the other to employment-related issues.
Employees can make reports anonymously. The bank guarantees that all employees making a report will be guaranteed confidentiality and protected from any retaliatory action.
Methods of reporting breaches of ethical standards and other issues and concerns have been described in the Respect and Dignity Policy.1 The document lays down the rules and procedure to be followed when dealing with incidents relating to breaches of law, banking procedures and standards or employee relations reported by employees.
1 The “Respect and Dignity Policy” supplements the “Human Rights Policy of Santander Bank Polska S.A.”, and supports building a diversified working environment with respect for ethical standards and the dignity of each employee, which prevents such negative behaviours as discrimination, mobbing and harassment (including sexual harassment). The document describes how to proceed in the bank in case such situations take place. It also defines the responsibility of management and each employee for its implementation.
Reports in 2017
[Custom indicator 16]
Number of violations and/or other issues needing resolving reported to the „ethics inbox” and helpline
Number of violations and/or other issues needing resolving reported to the „ethics inbox” and helpline
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Mechanisms for seeking advice on ethical and lawful behaviour, and matters related to organizational integrity
Mechanisms for seeking advice on ethical and lawful behaviour, and matters related to organizational integrity
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In 2017, the “ethics inbox” and the helpline registered 109 reports. Employees reported 25 of cases, where they asked for advice on business ethics. The reports referred to such issues as additional employment, violating employee dignity, the principle of secure document creation, worktime monitoring, improper treatment of an employee, using the channels for reporting suspected violation of employee dignity, how to proceed in case of suspecting stalking, how to behave when servicing an aggressive customer and the possibility of using banking documents for research purposes. Furthermore, the Employee Relationship Team provided 54 additional consultations relating to employment contract termination, employee attitudes, worktime and employment conditions.
reports registered (the “ethics inbox” and the helpline in 2017)
Zero tolerance for corruption
Key impacts, risks, and opportunities
Key impacts, risks, and opportunities
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Anti-corruption is high on the agenda for financial institutions. In Santander Bank Polska, we create an environment free from any elements that could lead to corrupt practices and we promote anti-corruption knowledge among our employees.
The General Code of Conduct remains the foundation of internal regulations also in this respect. It contains a set of provisions concerning conflict of interest covering relations with the Group, banking transactions, investing into companies and relationships with suppliers and customers, as well as issues related to gifts, commission and other financial benefits. Additionally, the bank has a General Conflict of Interest Policy in place, which supplements the Code.
The bank’s approach has been presented in detail in the Anti-Corruption Programme document, which lays down the anti-corruption activities. The anti-corruption policy is binding on all employees.
The following elements make up the Anti-Corruption Programme:

- Register of gifts and invitations for public officials.
- Actions taken by agents, intermediaries, advisers and business partners.
- Activities in high-risk countries.
- Accounting controls.
- Offering gifts or entertainment to the bank’s employees and managers.

A reporting channel


Responsibility of the corporate compliance area
In addition, we have introduced anti-corruption provisions into the “Bank’s Procurement Policy”, and “Supplier Management Procedure”, and mandatory anti-corruption clauses into agreements concluded with suppliers.
Corruption prevention is also covered in the Sustainability (CSRCorporate Social ResponsibilityCorporate Social Responsibility) Policy of Santander Bank Polska.
The bank has an Audit and Compliance Committee in place, which is mainly composed of independent members of the Supervisory Board. In addition to it tasks related to the assessment and review of the accounting systems, the control system and the risk management system, the Committee reviews the activities taken by the Management Board in terms of their conformance with the law, internal regulations, requirements of market regulators, codes of conduct and business ethics.
- In 2017, there were no cases of corruption reported in our bank.
- The bank was not subject to any fines or non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with laws and regulations.
Training for employees and management on anti-corruption policies and procedures
Training for employees and management on anti-corruption policies and procedures
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[Custom indicator 15]
List of key actions and measures implemented in the bank during the year to enhance the employees’ knowledge about business ethics and the bank’s organisational culture.
List of key actions and measures implemented in the bank during the year to enhance the employees’ knowledge about business ethics and the bank’s organisational culture.
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Training in ethical standards
We have provided the employees with access to a new e-learning training on: the General Code of Conduct, anti-corruption and the corporate defence model.
We continue to deliver the ethics and compliance e-learning programme (COMeT) which has been a permanent element of mandatory staff training for many years.
We have incorporated ethical and reputational issues into the RiskPro information and training campaign, which forms an element of the reputational risk management model implemented in 2017.
Percentage of employees who are familiar with the anti-corruption policy and procedures in Santander Bank Polska:
Percentage of employees who completed anti-corruption training
Report whether and how the precautionary principle is addressed by the organisation
Report whether and how the precautionary principle is addressed by the organisation
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High-risk sectors
At the time of the launch of our Sustainability Policy, we extended the management of environmental and social risks to cover our relationships with customers from sensitive sectors. We respect the applicable international good practices concerning social welfare and environmental protection, in particular the Equator PrinciplesInternational project on social and environmental risks with the participation of financial institutionsInternational project on social and environmental risks with the participation of financial institutions, which cover the following aspects:
- Protection of biodiversity and long-term management of natural resources.
- Employee rights.
- Prevention of pollution and toxic emissions.
- Climate change.
- Health and safety of the population.
- Land acquisition and voluntary resettlement.
- Rights of indigenous people.
- Cultural heritage.
- Human rights.
Sectoral policies
We are proud of the fact that as one of the first financial institutions in Poland we have implemented detailed sectoral sustainability policies concerning the financing of the defence industry and the energy and soft commodities sectors. The policies define, inter alia, activities which are excluded or restricted by the Santander Group with regard to the respective sectors. The examples of activities which are categorically prohibited include the manufacture, sale and distribution of mass destruction weapon or deforestation of areas classified as areas of special environmental value.
Public policy
Financial and in-kind contributions to political parties, politicians and institutions of a similar nature
Financial and in-kind contributions to political parties, politicians and institutions of a similar nature
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We have adopted a policy of not funding political parties. The bank, abiding by the principles of transparency, integrity and political neutrality, shall not accept any actions of its management or employees which could lead to a breach of the policy provisions or which could expose the bank to reputational risk. We do not make any political donations either.
[Custom indicator 15]
List of key actions and measures implemented in the bank during the year to enhance the employees’ knowledge about business ethics and the bank’s organisational culture
List of key actions and measures implemented in the bank during the year to enhance the employees’ knowledge about business ethics and the bank’s organisational culture
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In 2018, the bank intends to promote ethical attitudes and behaviour through:

Implementation of a mandatory e-learning training, aimed to extend the employees’ knowledge on how to react and counteract such behaviours, as mobbing, discrimination and harassment, and where to look for support in case ethical standards are breached, in accordance with the Respect and Dignity Policy.

Regular educational messages addressed to employees, aimed to build responsible attitudes and promote communication channels for reporting irregularities.

Implementation of a tool for registering and managing the issues reported.

Cyclic analyses of issues reported and recommendations.