- About Santander
Bank Polska - Strategy
and Management - Customers
- Introduction
- Our priorities – Bank As You Want It
- Multichannel approach – anyway you like it
- Accessible to all – You can count on us
- Security first
- Excellent customer service
- Ethical communication – simple and friendly language
- Responsible selling and prevention of misselling
- Our approach to complaints
- Knowledge that pays off
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- Products and initiatives for customers of the Business and Corporate Banking Division
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- Social
Engagement - About
the report
Financial education
We believe, that financial education comes in handy, irrespective of age. Educating children in finance helps develop good habits with regard to effective money management and contributes to adopting an entrepreneurship approach in adult life. We share our knowledge on finance, and support and promote related projects addressed to young people.
Our in-house programmes
Examples of projects we support
“Economic Comic Books”
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“Cybersecurity” |
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BAKCYL- Bankers for Young People Financial Education |
[Custom indicator 17]
Number of beneficiaries, projects and social initiatives in the education area initiated and/or supported by the bank and/or Foundation during the year
Number of beneficiaries, projects and social initiatives in the education area initiated and/or supported by the bank and/or Foundation during the year
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BAKCYL- Bankers for Young People Financial Education
pupils were beneficiaries of this programme
volunteers from our bank
This countrywide project aims at increasing the financial knowledge of pre-secondary school students.
“Bakcyl” is based on the cooperation of companies and institutions from the banking sector. Volunteers, who are regular employees of the partner banks, run classes for pre-secondary school students in the following four subjects: “Your Money”, “Be a Wise Borrower”, “Clever Investments” and “Lifelong Financing”. The cycle of four classes is a compendium of knowledge on finance adapted in form and content to a young audience. The initiator and organiser of the “Bakcyl” programme is the Warsaw Banking Institute, partnered by the Association of Polish Banks.
An important advantage of the “Bakcyl” programme is the systematic and regular delivery of practical financial knowledge by bank employees. During these lessons, young people learn to use financial services, which should help them in their future conscious and successful transition to adulthood.

This is our financial education website, the aim of which is to support competence building in the area of finances and entrepreneurship.
- Educational materials have been prepared in accordance with the curricula of primary, pre-secondary and secondary schools.
- An attractive form of communication helps to target different audiences: parents, children (from the age of 3), youth and teachers.
Come and visit us at: Finansiaki.pl
Finansiaki.pl for parents:
Advice on how to talk to children about finance and how to teach them the right attitude to money
Educational stories for younger children
Infographics and animations for older children
Fun section with quizzes and educational games
Finansiaki.pl for teachers:

17 scripts for lessons on spending and saving money, banking and entrepreneurship

Interesting materials for teachers from nursery, primary, pre-secondary and secondary schools

A programme executed in partnership with the Polish Banks Association and eight banks and financial institutions, including our bank. The aim of this programme is to promote knowledge on cybersecurity, electronic management and electronic payments.
The programme covers educational and information activities addressed to:
school children and youth
teachers and parents
university students and staff
banking sector employees
senior citizens (Universities of the Third Age)
The project reached 27,022 people through direct measures, including lectures, classes and competitions.
In 2017, cooperation was established with 315 public institutions responsible for education, including local authorities, institutions of higher education, non-governmental organisations and the Ministry of Digital Affairs which took patronage over the “Cybersecurity” project for one year.

As part of the project, cooperation was established with:
Universities of the Third Age
The conclusion of 300 agreements with local authority units was the basis for conducting:
- the “Cybersafe” competition for schools in the Lower Silesian region (53 schools participated),
- 500 lessons for children and teenagers on secure saving, cybersecurity and cashless payments,
- 30 lectures for university students,
- 13 lectures in cybersecurity and electronic banking at Universities of the Third Age.

lessons and lectures on project-related topics were conducted
Additionally, the following initiatives and materials were produced:
- a report entitled, “Impact of Technological Changes on Employees from the Financial Sector,”
- e-learning training in the basics of cybersecurity for employees of the banking sector together with test verifying the knowledge acquired, developed in cooperation with the Cybersecurity Banking Centre, Polish Banks Association,
- presentations for lessons and lectures in cybersecurity (schools, universities, U3A),
- a report entitled, “A Cyber Secure Wallet”,
- two editions of the “Student Wallet” report,
- “Cybersecurity” brochure,
- “Bankers for Education” leaflet,
- 12 educational videos on subjects, such as secure cashless payments; secure finances and identity, conscious lending and financial security,
- 16 educational texts concerning cybersecurity and cashless payments.
Educational videos addressed to various audiences, placed on the Intranet are accessible to bank volunteers.
Directly, the project reached 27,022 people.
Lectures and lessons
[Custom indicator 17]
Number of beneficiaries of projects and social initiatives in the area of education initiated and/or supported by the bank and the Foundation during the year
Number of beneficiaries of projects and social initiatives in the area of education initiated and/or supported by the bank and the Foundation during the year
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senior citizens

Pilot competition on IT and Cybersecurity: 2,600 participants from secondary schools all over Poland.

Cybersafe competition in the Lower Silesian region: 1,500 people.

IT and Cybersecurity competition for students: 1,032 people.
Indirectly, the project reached 797,822 people.

Materials related to cybersecurity were published in:
- Active Student (Aktywny student) – 7,322 copies
- a supplement to the Dziennik Gazeta Prawna newspaper – 80,000 copies
- in school media (“Victor Junior”) – 30,000 copies
- in university media (“Niezbędnik akademicki PWN”) – 70,000 copies
- Calendars and Brochures – Universities (50,000 copies)
- Student TV screens (400,000)

Texts on cybersecurity were published in the following magazines and journals:
- “Płyń pod prąd” (9,000 copies)
- “Kumpel” (15,000 copies)
- “Eurostudent” (100,000 copies)
- “Koncept” (20,000 copies)

Promotional materials for U3A students (1,510 people)
Learning economics from cartoons

Our bank has been a long-term, major partner of a very original financial education project called “Economic Cartoons” implemented by the Civil Development Forum Foundation (FOR).
The objective of this programme is to raise economic and social awareness among the Polish youth, by presenting topics related to economic in an attractive and user-friendly form of cartoons and showing them the practical dimension of the knowledge acquired; to prepare materials for teachers of economics that would facilitate teaching and developing the students’ skills.
Each edition includes a competition for the best cartoon on economics, which ends with printing an anthology of the winning works. Scripts for lessons in social studies and the basics of entrepreneurship prepared by experts form another element of the programme. The scripts and the album with the selected cartoons are handed over free-of-charge to teachers of pre-secondary and secondary schools.
The accessible cartoon form makes it easier for pupils to understand how the economy works and to learn how to make practical use of the knowledge acquired at school. This interesting form enables more effective learning. Cartoons also help teachers present expertise in an attractive way and explain complex economic and social issues using simple examples. Cartoons present the advantages of running your own business, the benefits of saving money or making good laws.
In addition, as part of the programme, once a year FOR invites teachers from all over Poland to Warsaw for a scientific conference. The employees of FOR also run regular workshops in economics throughout the country.
2017 witnessed the 9th edition of the “Economic Cartoons” competition. To enter the competition, candidates had to create a cartoon on one of the four topics:
- The Advantages of Migration for the Economy.
- A Union of Possibilities – On the Free Flow of Goods, Services, People and Capital in the European Union.
- Cybersecurity- How to Protect Your Money Online?
- Private or Public – On the Negative Consequences of Politicising the Economy.

[Custom indicator 17]
Number of beneficiaries of projects and social initiatives in the area of education initiated and/or supported by the bank and the Foundation during the year
Number of beneficiaries of projects and social initiatives in the area of education initiated and/or supported by the bank and the Foundation during the year
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The “Economics Cartoons” project in 2017:
- 374 works entered into the competition (up by 66% yoy);
- cartoons (from the 8th edition) were sent to nearly 500 teachers;
- between January and December, workshops on economics using comic strips were conducted in 113 classes throughout Poland, and attended by 2,703 pupils;
- the cartoons ordered by teachers will be used in more than 2,300 classes, that is, an estimated 57,500 pupils will come in contact with the comic strips (via their teachers);
- a total of 161 people took part in the conference for teachers of economics and social sciences organised in May 2017;
- the project’s Facebook fanpage has earned 1,557 likes with the number growing constantly.
On the 10th Anniversary of the Civil Development Forum Foundation, our bank was awarded a silver statuette for long-term cooperation.