- About Santander
Bank Polska - Strategy
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- Our priorities – Bank As You Want It
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- Knowledge that pays off
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Engagement - About
the report
Santander Universidades
One of the foundations of the bank’s corporate social responsibility policy is supporting higher education, research and the idea of entrepreneurship. We are equally passionate about supporting projects that foster the propagation of knowledge and skills in other, also non-scientific fields.
Santander Universidades is a programme launched in Poland in 2011, as part of a global initiative which unites more than 1,000 universities worldwide.
The project is based on the assumption that the collaboration between the business and the academia will have a positive impact on the economy by facilitating the development of new technologies, research programmes and the transfer of know-how to Poland.

IV Universia International Rectors’ Meeting in Salamanca
On 21-22 May, the world largest meeting at the verge of business and academia took place. His Majesty the King of Spain Felipe VI, the president of Portugal, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa and Ana Botín, the Chairperson of Banco Santander presided over the opening of the Universia IV International Rectors’ Meeting in Salamanca. The meeting which coincided with the University of Salamanca’s 800th anniversary brought together over 600 rectors and university teachers, politicians and entrepreneurs.
Poland was represented by a delegation of 14 rectors and representatives of our bank headed by Gerry Byrne, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and Arkadiusz Przybył, Vice-President of the Management Board of Bank Zachodni WBK. The attendees participated in discussions focused on three key issues: “Training and learning in a digital world”, “Research at universities: paradigm under scrutiny?” and “The university’s contribution to social and territorial development”.
[Custom indicator 17]
Number of beneficiaries, projects and social initiatives in the education area initiated and/or supported by the bank and/or Foundation during the year
Number of beneficiaries, projects and social initiatives in the education area initiated and/or supported by the bank and/or Foundation during the year
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Santander Universidades in Poland
partner universities
Strategic priorities of the programme:
- Innovation and entrepreneurship: fostering the culture of entrepreneurship innovation as the main goal of our cooperation with universities.
- Internationalisation: foreign scholarships, exchange programmes and projects executed in cooperation with universities from different countries.
- Employability: helping graduates enter the labour market, through scholarship programs for interns, in partnership with universities.
- Digitalisation of universities: supporting digitalisation and modernisation of universities, using advanced technologies in the learning process, virtual campus and generating digital services for the academic world.

Polish universities actively take advantage of the opportunities offered by Santander Universidades. They participate in global programmes of the most prestigious universities in the world, such as the Harvard Law School, Brown University, University of California, the Pennsylvania State University, National University of Singapore or the University of Cologne, run scholarship Programmes and carry out individual research projects in such areas as entrepreneurship, development of research, particularly in the area of new technologies, mobility of students and the faculty staff, promotion of the Spanish culture and language and facilitating networking and knowledge sharing globally.
For more information about Santander Universidades click HERE