Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019
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Our stakeholders

  • [102-21] Consulting stakeholders on economic, environmental, and social topics Consulting stakeholders on economic, environmental, and social topics

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  • [102-40] List of stakeholder groups List of stakeholder groups

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  • [102-42] The basis for identifying and selecting stakeholders with whom to engage The basis for identifying and selecting stakeholders with whom to engage

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  • [102-43] Approach to stakeholder engagement including frequency of engagement by type and by stakeholder group Approach to stakeholder engagement including frequency of engagement by type and by stakeholder group

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  • [102-44] Key topics and concerns that have been raised through stakeholder engagement and how the organization has responded, including through its reporting. Key topics and concerns that have been raised through stakeholder engagement and how the organization has responded, including through its reporting.

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Other guidelines:

The stakeholders of the Santander Bank Polska S.A. Group are all those who are affected by us and who have an impact on our organisation. We identify our stakeholder groups. We study the power of mutual influence and the needs of our environment. We focus on dialogue and make use of various communication channels.

Stakeholder map and communication channels

Stakeholder engagement

Since 2014, we have conducted 9 dialogue sessions with stakeholders in accordance with the AA1000SES international standard.

Engaging stakeholders and knowing their opinions is very important to us. We use various forms of contact, such as AA1000SES dialogue sessions with representatives of our social and business partners. We carefully consider stakeholder suggestions and take them into account while implementing our strategy, planning activities and reporting non-financial data.

Dialogue session: responsible business and sustainability

In February 2019, we organised a dialogue session to find out the opinions and expectations concerning future activities of the bank in the area of responsible business and sustainable development resulting from the implementation of the Responsible Banking strategy.

The meeting covered three areas: inclusive banking, sustainable infrastructure and green services, and the role of universities and Santander Universidades in sustainable development. It was attended by 32 participants representing various groups of our stakeholders: the business community, academia, experts and society.

The conclusions from the session were taken into account in the process of planning sustainable development activities and helped to prepare this responsible business report.

The main conclusions from the stakeholder panel are as follows:

The bank should continue and expand its existing activities and initiatives in this respect. An inclusive approach in every aspect of the bank’s operations is important. The bank could initiate solutions, actions connecting various social groups. The bank should expand its offering, taking into account the needs of people at risk of exclusion. It should take care to adjust its communication to the needs of various groups of recipients, including people at risk of social exclusion.

See: Inclusive banking

The bank could support cooperation of various society groups for the benefit of ecology and decarbonisation of the economy, including cooperation with the business, universities and local government units. The bank should not: finance unsustainable investments and cooperate with unethical partners and customers.

It should be a partner for its customers in green investments, offering them advice and knowledge. The bank could promote ethics in the banking sector and should be a role model of good practice.

See: Customercentricity, Green offer – products and services

The interdisciplinary nature of sustainable development requires a broad outlook and cooperation. Universities and their partnership with companies play an important role in this context. It is worthwhile for the bank to take initiatives and support actions concerning sustainable development within the Santander Universidades programme. Students also need financial education.

See: Santander Universidades

Expectations and recommendations expressed by the expert group of stakeholders in 2020

For the purpose of this report, we asked six Santander Bank Polska stakeholders – representing the perspective of the business, the investor, the regulator and the social expert organization – about their opinion on the responsible management of business by our bank, including our impact on the society, the economy and the environment. The stakeholders’ expectations concerning the content of this report are presented in the table below.

  • Providing information on how the bank responded to the outbreak in terms of social aspects such as employees, contractors and the supply chain.
    Future action plans to respond to the changing reality with regard to issues such as: diverse ways of work (home office), digitisation of services, new ways of customer service.