Inclusive banking – introduction
Explanation of the material topics and their boundaries
Material topic: Prevention of financial exclusion, financial education Explanation of the material topics and their boundaries
Material topic: Prevention of financial exclusion, financial education
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The management approach and its components
Material topic: Prevention of financial exclusion, financial education The management approach and its components
Material topic: Prevention of financial exclusion, financial education
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Evaluation of the management approach
Material topic: Prevention of financial exclusion, financial education Evaluation of the management approach
Material topic: Prevention of financial exclusion, financial education
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[Custom indicator]
Main activities to ensure customer satisfaction
Main activities to ensure customer satisfaction
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- [PRB 3] Go to indicator list
One of the pillars of the Responsible Banking strategy is inclusive banking. How do we implement it?
Cele (Dobra jakość edukacji, Równość płci, Innowacyjność, przemysł, infrastruktura, Partnerstwa na rzecz celów, Wzrost gospodarczy i godna praca)Bank dla wszystkich, Bank dla osób z różnymi potrzebami, Edukacja finansowa na każdym etapie