Explanation of the material topics and their boundaries
Material topic: Security of services, transactions and customer data Explanation of the material topics and their boundaries
Material topic: Security of services, transactions and customer data
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The management approach and its components
Material topic: Security of services, transactions and customer data The management approach and its components
Material topic: Security of services, transactions and customer data
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Evaluation of the management approach
Material topic: Security of services, transactions and customer data Evaluation of the management approach
Material topic: Security of services, transactions and customer data
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Total number of substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data
Total number of substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data
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[Custom indicator]
Actions implemented to ensure cyber security
Actions implemented to ensure cyber security
Go to indicator list
- [PRB 3] Go to indicator list
Our approach
For our bank, security is an absolute priority and we take care of it in many ways. We are concerned about ensuring the security of customer’s money, data and banking operations performed by our customers in all channels.
We involve all employees of our organization as well as external entities in the process of ensuring security – as part of outsourcing and tasks performed in cooperation with third parties. Successful security management is possible thanks to effective regulations constantly adjusted to the current reality that we apply in the bank.
Due to the nature of technological risks, cyber security is now a key one. The bank has units responsible for continuous improvement of security of transaction systems, tools used by customers in their daily banking, their information, as well as infrastructure and technology used in the organization. Cyber security is an area for cooperation, not only internally within the bank but also with external organisations, hence our involvement and proactive efforts in this respect within the Polish Bank Association or our partnership with CERT.
- We focused on optimizing detection and protection processes in order to achieve a high level of resistance, adequate to global cyber threats.
- We developed the bank’s potential to apply innovative technological solutions and automation in order to prevent cybercrime more effectively.
- We persistently developed a culture of cybersecurity among customers and employees, thus building awareness of the responsibility that rests with every web user.
Our plans for 2020 are to further improve the above activities, as well as to continuously develop the competences of the team directly responsible for the cyber security of customers and the whole bank.
Customer data security
In accordance with the requirements of the GDPR – the General Data Protection Regulation in force from 25 May 2018, we protect personal data through systematic activities including updating relevant processes, procedures and policies, changes in data flow and storage management, appropriate communication, and taking into account the GDPR requirements in projects and system management.
Complaints regarding breaches of customer privacy and data loss
Total number of substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data
Total number of substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data
Go to indicator list
28 complaints – total number of substantiated complaints about loss of customer data and privacy violations
We promote cyber-security
The bank is constantly carrying out educational activities aimed at building a cyber security culture among its customers. We make use of the opportunities offered by e-banking, our websites, social media or face-to-face meetings to contact our customers.
We publish up-to-date information about risks and the help you can get from them on our websites, in the form of news and in social media.
Moreover, we also use the most effective form of education, which is direct meetings with customers, whether in our branches or as part of social projects.
The bank’s social media campaign in 2019 continued in 2020 the aim of which is to promote knowledge about cyber-threats and how to deal with them.
As part of the campaign:
- Our posts have reached over 5 million FB users,
- In cooperation with local internet media, we have published a series of articles dealing with safe banking and security on the web,
- In cooperation with an external entity, we have implemented a new service supporting customers in the safe use of the Internet.
All our social projects in the field of online security are described in the Communities chapter, in section Security .