Support in difficult situations
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Products and initiatives for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
Products and initiatives for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
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Our approach to retail customers and SMEs in financial distress
We are aware that there are many reasons why customers’ may have problems with repaying their liabilities. We show our understanding and try to support clients in such circumstances.
The bank’s main objective and priority in respect of clients in a difficult situation is to identify the causes of the situation and jointly find the best possible solution to restore the timely service of liabilities.
We monitor overdue payments from a very early stage. The customer can also make use of self-service options in the following contact channels:
- automatic outgoing phone call – the client can independently, without the participation of an advisor, obtain information and make various arrangements, in particular, declare the date of repayment or request for contact,
- automatic inbound call centre – the customer can also use a completely self-service inbound line,
- interactive text messages – with a response option,
- text messages with information,
- emails with information.

The client can declare the date of payment of the overdue instalment by himself/ herself, using the Santander internet service, without waiting for the contact from the bank. Two standard solutions are available:
a declaration of overdue debt repayment within 7 days
requesting for a conversation with an advisor at a time convenient for the client to agree a new repayment date
The advisor’s contact with the client is always aimed at individual identification of the problem which affects timely payment of liabilities and at supporting the client in choosing the best solution in a given situation.
Our first proposal for customers in the retail segment and SMEs is restructuring. Each client is assigned an individual advisor who recognizes and analyzes the specific situation and proposes restructuring solutions, adapting them flexibly to the difficulties faced by the client.
Possible solutions for retail customers and SMEs include
- grace period in the repayment of the principal of the loan,
- temporary reduction of loan instalments,
- extension of the loan period,
- establishing a new repayment schedule covering the overdue and not-overdue part of the loan,
- merger of all commitments into one loan,
- voluntary sale of real estate as collateral for the repayment of the loan (if the proceeds amount is lower than the value of the liability, we agree on convenient conditions for repayment of the remaining amount).
How can a customer apply for a change in loan repayment terms?
- Report the problem through our helpline
- Send an email or a letter with a request downloaded from the bank’s website, from the „Problems with timely loan repayment” tab.
Pursuant to the Act on support for mortgage borrowers in financial difficulties, the bank accepts clients’ applications for support from BGK’s funds.
For mortgage customers with loans in Swiss francs, the bank has implemented and offers the so-called “Six-pack of Aid Measures” of the Polish Bank Association. We propose all solutions from the six-pack, including the currency spread reduced to 2%, taking into account the negative Swiss franc LIBOR value, loan restructuring, reduction of the instalment value, change of loan collateral and currency conversion to PLN at the average NBP rate.
All information for our bank’s clients in financial distress can be found HERE
Our approach to corporate clients in financial distress
In the case of corporate clients in difficult situations, due to the complex nature of such cases we always carry out an individual analysis of the client’s circumstances and the causes of the problems. The best type of support is agreed with the client by our individual advisor who after the analysis proposes restructuring solutions adapted to the financial and economic situation of the client.
The main objective and priority of the bank is to establish feasible conditions for voluntary debt repayment.
As part of its restructuring activities, the bank adjusts the repayment schedule to the client’s payment capacity, enables the voluntary sale of redundant assets and supports clients in searching for investors (based on a granted power of attorney).
For more information about our actions related to COVID-19 pandemic go here.